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You voted, we followed through.

We're starting Xdinary Heroes, and of course, what better song to start with, than Happy Death Day.

We say enough in our videos. We love it. We want to continue. We want more.


Enjoy our brains melting as usual!


Musicians react & review ♡ Xdinary Heroes - Happy Death Day

You asked for it, we reacted. We're starting XDINARY HEROES and first up is (what we believe is) their debut song, HAPPY DEATH DAY. And wow, were we into this - we love K-bands and always thought they needed more recognition, including the one and only Day6, and we're SO happy we got Xdinary Heroes to get that recognition on the way!! This is an amazing first impression, first time reacting, and we cannot wait to do more! So thank you all the lovely supporters for recommending them to us! If you want to support our channel, get extra content, voting power, and much more, visit http://patreon.com/handsomesausages Kpop producers and singer-songwriters react to Xdinary Heroes' Happy Death Day (MV). Enjoy! Sound at http://soundcloud.com/hsausages Follow us on IG: @handsomesausages Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 2:01 - Reaction 5:11 - Initial Thoughts #xdinaryheroes #happydeathday #kpopreaction



I love their songs Strawberry Cake and Haircut as well! Great reaction!


You should definitely check out there hellevator cover at some point it's really good. But test me is great, also Good Enough from their new album I know the lyrics are by one of the members and Young K.

Yep, I'm Liberty

Yay! My boys! "Experimental" was the impression that I got when I first heard this too. Moreso because of what is "normally" found in the K-genres. It definitely made one major first impression. Enough so that they won Best Band and Best New Male Artist at MAMA last year. I've heard them described as the love child of The Rose (vocals) and Stray Kids (the chaos), and now I can't unhear it. It's a wonderful mix. Fun fact(s). Gunil didn't start playing drums until he was around 15, but then became a drum scholar at Berklee College of Music. Jungsu (Keyboard) and O.de (Synth) were both training to be idols, but ended up getting recruited into the band. As for the rest of the members, there is Gaon - Rhythm Guitarist, Jun Han - Lead Guitarist, and Jooyeon (the maknea) - Bassist. I think you'll really enjoy their whole discography, but if you're just doing title tracks, then going in order is always the best way. Looking forward to more!

Tracey Okeby Lucan

I’d love to see you go in album order and just cover it all.


I felt they had a punk vibe with this song. That’s why I loved it so much. I love these guys. Their albums are good. So glad your jumping into their discography

Martha Ferguson

I do think you should go in order, BUT… one of their songs Good Enough off of their latest album Deadlock, is possibly one of the best songs I’ve heard this year. it’s in stark contrast to their usual title tracks and showcases the main vocalists exquisitely. I believe also YoungK is credited on the track as well. if you do do Good Enough please react to the live Hello 82 version even though there is an official music video. This is because it is so much more enjoyable seeing them perform live.

Sam w

Yes!!! I haven’t heard these guys before, I’ve been low-key resisting getting into them. But this is so good! I’m so excited to have a new group to learn about and Stan! Thanks so much for doing this!


Love these guys!! Definitely go in order of the album. They have progressed amazingly!!! Also check out their Hellevator cover they did amazing!!

your name here

These guys are seriously talented and are already heavily involved in the production of their own music. They are also huge Stays and being juniors in the same company as Stray Kids I'm hoping we get some collabs in the future. They did a cover of Hellavator that was just beautiful. Their newest album, Deadlock, I think is some of their strongest work yet.

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

Oh my gosh YAY!!! SO happy that you're reacting to xdinary heros!! Their live performances are awesome and I love that they have band practice vids instead of choreo vids sometimes. Another workout bop.💝 Lol love you sexy sausages!! 💖

Yep, I'm Liberty

These fellas are NOT ALLOWED to have choreo vids. (ㆆ _ ㆆ) Poor Gunil fights for his life when it comes to any type of dancing! lol That being said, they do have a couple choreo vids (two versions of the same song) for Test Me - it's worth the watch if you haven't seen it yet.


Omg I’m SO GLAD y’all reacted to XH! They’re so good, fr. Y’all should definitely go in album order, and sprinkle in their covers wherever. They did a cover of SKZ Hellevator (which is AMAZING) and (G)I-DLE’s Tomboy (which is also amazing!) as well as several others. But for their original stuff, def go in album order! And if/when y’all start reacting to reality content too, they have one called Rock The World. It’s similar in concept to SKZ Code, where it’s a different theme every 2-3 episodes.


YES! Seconding this, both the song and the Hello 82 version. “Good Enough” has been on repeat since it came out- it’s just like…beautiful.

Handsome Sausages

Omg we saw that they covered it while scrolling through their songs too - definitely gonna check it out at one point

Handsome Sausages

Danggggg good description haha thanks for the info that's just the perfect amount of info to get us started!!


I started my Xdinary Heroes journey a couple weeks ago. These guys are ridiculously talented!! I’m really loving their music. So excited to go through and watch all of your reactions!