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The long awaited DISTRICT 9.

This mixtape is very promising, and since we got the chance to react to the trailer first, everything is making even more sense. We love that this mixtape has a more unified theme (already) to its tracks, and we enjoyed very much what our boys did with this song!

Cannot wait for more!

Let's keep it cominnnnnnnnnn!



District 9 shows their brilliance as producers and performers from so early on. While also being an absolute banger.

Tracey Okeby Lucan

I love this song so much. I’m so happy you can’t stop talking about it! You’ll see Woojin through all of the I Am series. He leaves before Cle:Levanter like October 2019?


Yes!!!! Finally!!!! I love that this was the debut song. This song live is EVERYTHING for me. Watching them perform this live with Han HITTING those high notes. Honestly I think I love this song live so much cuz you can feel their passion. Also maybe they turn down the backtrack more idk but I feel like their live vocals are so much more prominent when they sing this song.

Yep, I'm Liberty

I was W A I T I N G for this one! I think this is where you can definitively see them sitting solidly in the pocket of "noise music" and not letting go. The "metal sheet" sound, the sirens, all of it are introduced in a way that creates organized chaos and I think that's what really starts to separate them from other idol groups. It also ties in to the story of the video because they're "breaking out" of the sterilized, controlled life (facility) where they are all trained to be cookie cutter products, but then they break out and end up in District 9 (the world where Stray Kids and Stays are home and can be themselves). Also, it's ok to talk about Woojin. You are going to see him over the next few videos because he didn't leave until late (October, I think) 2019 and a lot of their stuff had already been recorded.

Jessica Law

Let's keep it coming!


As to "3rd eye"...I guess it's just a matter of taste, as I'm really looking forward to your reaction to Mirror and Rock...and Awaken and Grow up! Lol


I love the fact that District 9 was their debut song. I remember watching them perform this song at MAMA2018 when they were rookies. They dominated the stage so hard they looked like they were seasoned professionals. My favorite songs from this album is Awaken, 3rd eye, then Mirror

Sam w

I am beyond excited for this album. I'm so glad I'm alone at work right now, as j was bouncing around like a crazy person! This song goes so hard, and even though they're so baby here they killed it!


I have a hard time picking a favorite on the album. I have Awaken set to be my alarm sound (honestly... so good lol). I love Mirror and District 9 just as much. 3rd Eye is super different and it took me a bit to warm up to it, but I always kept it in my playlist and didn't skip it. Now I appreciate it a lot more. Grow Up is just iconic imo and also deserves all the love plus it's a special song for both SKZ and Stay. SKZ made it to tell Stay they are doing well and to keep working hard for their dreams. Stay sang it back to the boys at their concert to tell THEM they were doing well. A very inspiring song with so much love all around. Rock is amazing and I truly hope you watch the street version for that. A little harder maybe to determine who is doing which part (some lip sync over others) but it's such a fun video and totally worth it.


What y’all were saying about Stray Kids always delivering a definite musical story, so to speak, reminded me of what one of my other favorite k-pop analysis YouTubers said about their music- she personally is not that into Stray Kids (no accounting for taste, haha) but one of her big pet peeves is music that doesn’t seem to be making any definite choices, and she observed that she -never- gets that impression from Stray Kids: even if it’s not a collection of choices she necessarily enjoys, they know exactly what they want to convey, and she respects that and was musing on whether that could be a reason they tend to have such dedicated fans who stick around (or Stay, dare I say?).


Bang Chan is most definitely a genius. His tracks are incredible. Just so no one gets upset, I'm OT8. It's just the way he creates music floors me.


That 9th person left Oct 2019 forcing the release of their album and tour to be pushed back.

Pauline R

The next one up, Mirror, is one of my absolute favourite! (Along 3rd Eye, Awaken, Rock and yeah the entire album.) SSKZ's discography is so rich and diverse, I can't wait for you to hear more of it!


First of all, you guys are absolutely spoiling us this week with content. So thanks for that! Please remember to take care of yourself <3 Then, District 9 was probably my 2nd favourite song after I became a SKZ fan. Now I like all their music and it's hard to choose favourites. From this album I would say Awaken is probably one of my favourites. 3rd eye is great but it's a very different vibe. It's a song you need to be in a certain mood for in my opinion. Then on Woojin, I don't really want to say too much because the details of what happened aren't public, so most is speculation. He left in the Fall of '19 just before they were about to promote their album Levanter. It made so that a lot of content had to be re-recorded and the release was pushed back. Like I said we don't really know what happened, but from how it was handled and some clips from various live streams etc. it is clear it was bad and very painful for the SKZ members so something serious must have gone down (in my opinion). Woojin now has a solo carreer and a lot of people hate on him, which I find a bit unfair. He did have some controversy surrounding him in fall of 2020 as well, but afaik he was proven innocent in that regard. I don't really follow him at all, but I don't hate on him either since I don't know the details.


The reactions you've been giving us this week, 10/10! It's always so much fun when you come across something you guys really love, the was Han goes totally quiet and Dsome talks in two syllables through the whole video and never finishes what he's saying, haha. It's so relatable because that's how I was the first time I saw skz. Thanks for making such enjoyable content!


it's so amazing that this was their actual debut song. lee know opening the song, the incredible raps, the lore that technically starts here. i can't wait for the next reaction!! thank you!!!!

Neuter Lover

Yes!!! This song (and many Stray Kids songs) is so aggressive but never hurt my ears. Love that you pointed out about the mixing method. The reason I can't listen to most of k-pop is they hurt my ears a lot. especially the high note vocal and some treble synth sounds. BTW, 3rd Eye is one of my favorite Stray Kids song.

Neuter Lover

PS. Thanks for mentioning Woojin's vocal, I appreciated that. He left on Oct 2019, before mini-album ‘Clé: Levanter' and Stray Kids re-recorded songs on this EP. Later, Stray Kids re-recorded most of their songs in OT8 version and released SKZ 2020, and SKZ 2021. For SKZ 2021 they re-recorded all the vocals again and changed some lyrics in some song. They sang it when they grew up and gave better result. So if you wanna do reaction for I am Not, I am Who, I am YOU, Cle1 : Miroh, Cle 2 : Yellow Wood, Let's pick the OT9 version.


Woojin left late 2019 right before their comeback for their album cle: levanter they actually had to re-record the whole album and push back the release for it as it was super sudden and then they rereleased a bunch of old songs on SKZ 2020 without woojin and did the same for SKZ 2021 which had a bunch of their mixtapes which you’ll hear once you get to Cle 2: Yellow wood I actually think Awaken or Grow Up is one of my favorite songs from this album I can’t wait til you finally get through their whole discography because omg their music is so good and they have so much out

Handsome Sausages

Thank you very much for that caring word - :') Happy to hear you've been spoiled by our content drop haha. We usually are less busy at the start of a given month so that's when we try to pump out the most content as we get busier nearing the end of every month! Thanks for all the wonderful info as well :)


Ahhh im catching up late as usual, but this song was such a banger! honestly no thoughts, head empty, just vibing to the dark, gritty, and yet somehow subdued feel of this song! SKZ have been geniuses at sampling since day 1, and this just goes to prove that even more

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

I can't imagine watching them their whole pre-debut career, then getting this is a debut. Chills ♡

Estelle S

I'm catching up... er, trying to anyway - and what you guys said about Stray Kids music communicating so well and one just has to comment on it after listening - I suddenly had a lightbulb! I've never commented on any videos on YT until I started listening to Stray Kids! I've never had emotional, unexpected reactions to songs before SKZ (unless something happened in life) but a couple weeks ago, Voices came on my random SKZ shuffle and when, Changbin started rapping in Verse 1, I started crying. I only just started working on learning Korean. But the way he raps that verse and from what I know of the song just hit me... heh, guess I'll catch up to what you two think soon! :) Love your guys' reactions and analysis from YT which is why I'm here. :) Thanks so much for being Stays and reacting to Stray Kids!! :) Here's to many more reactions! :D

Ceci n Ana

there’s so much excitement ramping up in this reaction!! it’s exhilarating to watch! this would have been released just before my birthday last year, and i love that!