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VOTE: Variety Shows

  • SKZ: Stray Kids Survival Show 81
  • SKZ: CODE 104
  • Xdinary Heroes: Rock the World 10
  • ATEEZ: Treasure Film 40
  • Kingdom Legendary War 153
  • TXT: To Do 13
  • Others (Comment below) 5
  • 2023-05-12
  • 406 votes
{'title': 'VOTE: Variety Shows', 'choices': [{'text': 'SKZ: Stray Kids Survival Show', 'votes': 81}, {'text': 'SKZ: CODE', 'votes': 104}, {'text': 'Xdinary Heroes: Rock the World', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'ATEEZ: Treasure Film', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'Kingdom Legendary War', 'votes': 153}, {'text': 'TXT: To Do', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Others (Comment below)', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 12, 17, 7, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 406}


Hello wonderful people that we love so dearly.
We got Xdinary Heroes on the road, as you've requested; we'll be reacting to some one-off new songs from different groups on YT; we'll be planning some K-pop talks down the road as well.

So we thought it'd be fitting to finally ask for some variety shows.
Now, most of these probably will be suitable for Extra Spicy tier content rather than YT, but you never know; and since we've been hearing a lot about different shows, we wanted to get some general info on them anyways!

Here are some choices we've heard thus far, but PLEASE let us know if there are other shows that may have little to do with the groups we're reacting to, but would be fun either way - and perhaps some shows featuring groups we HAVEN'T reacted to that are very popular as well!

Also, we're open to select shows where certain groups appear so we can choose and react to those single episodes alone!

Either way, for the sake of voting, please vote on the show you want to see the most!


PS. THIS time, multiple selection SHOULD work, though it doesn't really matter for this post.


Meghan H

I would vote for the survival show but I don’t want to cry again so SKZ code and Kingdom it is


While the survival show is great and gives you a good background on the boys, I feel like unless you are ready to dive deep into them, the survival show should be held off. Kingdom is great cause it shows off so many groups and gives you insight into them all. (Also unless you already know, steer clear of spoilers)


ATEEZ Treasure Film is great! The only other one I’ve seen in Kingdom. Both are 👏🏻


Survival show won't be that interesting, since you already reacted to their pre-debut album. It's great to get to know more about their personalities etc, but still believe that others would be more engaging. To satisfy more tastes, Kingdom would be the best, since there are a lot of groups participating. You can cover SKZ and Ateez at the beginning since you already know them.


Personally I feel with the survival show you get to see where alot of their early lyrics come from, plus I want to watch it again just not alone. But Kingdom is alot of fun.


Oh, that was probably a hard one to choose tbh. Between the survival, SKZ Code and Kingdom... Those three options are so good. The performances and stages we got for Kingdom was so out of this world. I still see it to this day 😆 I recently saw the survival (again) and it was such a rollercoaster of emotions and finally, SKZ Code is the funniest content of them. Voted for Kingdom but I'm torn between SKZ Code and that one.

Martha Ferguson

I really would love to see your take on the Survival Show


Im addition to ATEEZ Treasure Film, the Wanteez episodes are fun :)


I think you should definitely check out the survival show - only to see how everything started. However - Kingdom is a MUST as well!!


The survival show is amazing to just see how they create. how far they’ve come, how the pre debut songs were created, what the boys went through to get to where they were, it’s great for seeing their personalities as well. I also highly recommend Kingdom as you’ll be able to see multiple groups including Stray Kids and Ateez but I definitely say do the survival show then Kingdom but that’s just my personal opinion as how Stray Kids works and creates in Kingdom is even more intense and impactful when you know where they started.


Since you are starting SKZ music from the beginning, it only makes sense to start with the survival show.

Court V

Ateez wanteez

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

my heart, yee multiple choices! The SKZ survival show is SO INTENSE lol....but TxT my god the funny never stops with these guys! omg bom bom...no matter who wins hope you guys have fun! ♡

Keli R

I think you guys would really enjoy the Lee Mujin Service episodes that feature Han and Seungmin. The boys get to show off their vocals without the group by covering some of their favorite non-skz songs and hear about their process when it comes to writing songs or training for their vocals, or where their inspirations come from.


Having to choose between those options and the Kingdom performances...... Even if Kingdom wins. You don't like to make it easy (And as a Statiny I am legally obligated to stan and promote Mayfly, it's in my contract). I do think the SKZ survival show is worth the watch too though, even if it is a bit stressful to watch sometimes (The editing on some of those shows I swear...) But it is a nice background and how they started to get to where they are. Watch how they built the pre-debut album songs. Also, there are a few members from those groups who have been on Lee Mujin Service show, and it REALLY showcases their talent in different genres than their groups usually do. (Seungmin's is my top fave out of almost all the episodes).

Neuter Lover

SKZ Survival Show is History of Stray Kids Kingdom Legendary War is the road to their bright future. I recommend both of these shows. From survival show, you’ll understand how they started their own color, and not all of them born with talent. You will see how they trained each other, how creativity they had from the start. It would be great to see your opinions about their music creations and JYP’s criticism which help them improve (or not in some case, hahaha). And for Kingdom shows, I agreed to many comments above. They went to another level to handle with the large scale shows, and got attention from the world. Before the Kingdom Legendary show, let’s check out their MAMA 2020 stage first (victory song). This is the real beginning.

Neuter Lover

Stray Kids’s MAMA 2020 stage “Victory Song” This is the stage that led them to Kingdom Legendary War. They performed this song even though they wasn’t nominated that year. Then, a year later, they got the crown in the end. https://youtu.be/gkp47FEi-b8


The 1N2D episodes with TXT (and other groups!) recently were really entertaining! And there are also fewer episodes per group in comparison to some shows - I'd love to see some episodes of To Do x TXT since it's so fun, and you really can just dip in here and there by recommendation!, but there admittedly are over 100 now so if you were trying to go chronologically it would be more long-term... I think the Game Caterers x [Company] episodes are lots of fun too depending on which groups in a company you're interested in ^^ I know both HYBE and Starship have done it, and I believe some others have too. Someone mentioned Lee Mujin Service above too, and quite a few guests from different groups you may be interested in have made appearances there. Definitely good fun if you wanted to stick to the music side, though other things might be better for pure variety :).


I've commented it before but I'll just repeat it here. If you're looking for a show that still focuses on music (its more like a musical interview than a variety show) I'd highly recommend Lee Mujin Service. SKZ Han and Seungmin have been on there, as well as Ateez's Jongho. But many other amazing vocalists.

Mel A

I think one-off stages of various artists would be fun and one-off interviews/promotions could be fun, in addition to following various series. As a WOODZ fan, he’s got various seasons of HOW (production process) as well as other content from both YH and now EDAM era.


I’m so glad multiple votes works this time, even though one of my votes (Rock the World) is like. One of the lowest ones on here rn lol. But I think y’all would have a blast with Kingdom and SKZ Code, and you should DEFINITELY watch the survival show! Fair warning tho, I knew what was coming and still bawled my eyes out