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Here's our early access link to ATEEZ' Cyberpunk.

Ok y'all wth. This song is cray - how come this ain't on trending right now.
I don't care if it came out 40 years ago, this should be trending.

Dang internet's wild.

Watch us get the drop wrong twice in a row :') so much for being musicians.



Musicians react & review ♡ ATEEZ - Cyberpunk

Okay who...what..how is this song not on charts right NOW? It doesn't matter when this song came out - this is incredible. Love Ateez, but this brought a whole new appreciation for us. We LOVE everything cyberpunk, and this song, adequately named CYBERPUNK, didn't disappoint!! So excited for the next one! Also, we've been reacting to EVERY SINGLE ATEEZ SONG from the VERY START over at our patreon page. So head over to our patreon page to support our channel and get access to other extra contents at http://patreon.com/handsomesausages Kpop producers and singer-songwriters react to ATEEZ's Cyberpunk (Lyrics Video). Enjoy! Sound at http://soundcloud.com/hsausages Follow us on IG: @handsomesausages Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 1:12 - Reaction 4:55 - Initial Thoughts & Synth 5:54 - Chorus 6:21 - Main Melody 6:48 - Anger 7:19 - Drop 8:00 - MV 8:31 - Pair 8:56 - Ateez is Perfection 9:22 - SHOUTOUT #ateez #cyberpunk #atiny


Inge Sahuleka

Loved this song from the first time I heard it. And loved seeing you get the drop wrong 2😁.

Court V

You both missing the drop is so funny because I did the exact same thing when I was getting into Ateez since they have so many false drops lol!! And Ateez have always done 2 Mvs per cb and the world movement ep 1 was actually their first cb where they only had 1 MV. My guess is because they used all the budget for guerrillas Mv and teasers since it was super high quality. It will forever be one of life's mysteries why they deprived us of having a cyberpunk video.. I love guerrilla and I get why they made it the title track but if cyberpunk was the title track, I think it would have been trending everywhere because it's a masterpiece 🤌 thankfully though, we are getting hints that this cb will have 2 Mvs again🙏 Also, do you guys do performances too? I'm newer to your channel so I've mainly seen the Ateez vids so I wasn't sure, but if you do, you should really check out a performance of the song when you do these vids! Cyberpunk is a bit of a sexier one but it's so good! Ateez are known for their performances so I'd love to see you do some reactions to them 🙏🙏


You absolutely have to check out the live performance of this song it is sooooo good. (I think the live performance might get blocked on youtube though because it was on music bank but I could be wrong) I saw them perform this live in concert when we had no idea there was a choreo for it and let me tell you the whole arena went wild lol. I think some songs I would be very interested in you checking out are: Answer, Aurora, Be with you, Desire, and Win. I want to write so many more songs, but I don't want to overwhelm you and I know you will get to them eventually in checking out their discography 😊.

stela ♥

Ugh, Cyberpunk, my love. That off-beat drop is soooo satisfying every time you hear it. As for why we didn't get two title tracks this time around, it might be because guerilla was too pricey to film but I also feel like this album was very different from all their other ones in that it's super lore-heavy and built in a very narrative way. Whenever we get two title tracks, they have Atiny (and other celebs) vote for which is actually going to be the title track, whereas I don't think this was a viable option with the way this album was thought out. There is however also the fact that Halazia came out not too long after and it feels like it would fit pretty well in the album and as a companion title track to Guerilla, so there may have just been delays there, who knows!

Yall Hearing This podcast

Ok as others have said- for your sanity (and mine) PLEASE check out the live performance of this song! It is an absolute fan favorite and San makes different members perform his opening choreo on tour. Will definitely be blocked on YouTube because it’s Music Bank but hope you can check it out!! https://youtu.be/zqpCho3mX-0


What everyone else said: you MUST check out the live stage. The choreography is chefs kiss, the visuals are chefs kiss, the vocals are chefs kiss and Jongho’s high notes are out of this world. Oh and the lyric video has Yeosang’s vocals wrong. They had them marked as Seonghwa in the pre chorus . 😊

monica medrano

You should react to seventeen any song it’s incredovle


This became my favorite song. Those semi-tonnnnessss

Handsome Sausages

We still talk about that drop haha such a mindtrick that one. We absolutely do performances (in fact, we LOVE performances) we'll get to them eventually after listening to the track as we like to (musician problem) listen to all tracks exactly as intended with clear sounds first before jumping into dance pracs or performance vids! :)

Handsome Sausages

So we heard! We may get around to reacting to them earlier than intended as so many ppl seem to want us to react to the performance vid :)


Lol, what every Atiny everywhere has been saying since this came out. This deserves an mv! However, you should totally check out the live performance of this, it does not disappoint 🫠 Also, in case no one has mentioned it yet, Ateez comeback June 16th! From the teasers, it sounds like we are not ready for it at all! You’ll have to check it out when it happens! 🖤🧡🖤

Ceci n Ana

YESSS i love this song so much! totally a favorite, and thought i feel robbed a little by the lack of a video, that live performance sure eases the letdown a lot! i’m sure i’ll find your reaction to that soon here, and i hope you wore your fireproof gear!! 🔥