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Awaken by SKZ woke us up alright.
Problem is, we won't be able to sleep ever again.


Also, we totally missed the brief 'explanation' at the start of the lyrics video, so having read that while editing, things make more sense than before.....however, that's not enough info and we need more info dump on this crazy songgggggg

Can't even imagine what 'rock' would sound like ...:')




I don't know that they were shooting for a theme in terms of music as each song sounds very different from the others, but the lyrics for the songs all point towards the Album theme of Who am I? I'm no expert though! And I'm also a Baby Stay. To me though, Awaken kinda gives me the same vibes as District 9 when Changbin comes in during the chorus ("back off! oww!"). At least to me that felt like it was rock. I will be the first to admit that I probably don't know one genre from another though. I love to listen to music, but I'm terrible at trying to categorize or say what genre is what.


That didn’t sound like Lee Know. That sounded like Chris aka Bang Chan.

stela ♥

One of my favorite things about SKZ is that since they have this freedom of producing all of their own music, they just make whatever genre they're curious about or interested in. Like with ATZ, I'd personally struggle to find a theme that runs throughout the whole album :D But their more rock-y songs are some of my favorites for sure ♥ And I'm so excited for Rock! One of my top tracks from SKZ hehe. If you don't mind the distraction, the "street ver." video is a lot of fun.

Taylor M

This is one of my favorite older SKZ songs, along with another on this album- 3rd Eye. It's hard to boil down a list of favorites though with all the content they give us! But I do remember this one standing out when I first went back through their discography a few years ago. I don't really know anything about actual music itself, outside of what I do and don't like lol (a huge part of why I appreciate yall's content so much!) This album moves through defiantly resisting society’s expectations with “I am not who you think I am or want me to be” to the terrifying realization of “wait, I’m also not who I think I am. So, who am I?” I feel like most of the songs on this album confront that in different ways. For me, Awaken feels like a rock anthem for stray kids all around the world experiencing those feelings for the first time, begging for and also being afraid of their true selves awakening within. Their first album sets them on their musical and personal journey to find the answer, experimenting with all sorts of different personas/musical styles/genres/themes along the way. The whole – I am NOT, I am WHO, I am YOU – concept for a first set of albums is such a brilliant way to establish a connection with an audience/fanbase. As an "older" 30+ Stay, I probably like Awaken because I'm reminded of my moody adolescent years listening to angry rock while trying to find myself hahaha. For that reason alone, I feel like a rock song thrown in the mix fits thematically, but that's probably also me projecting lol.

aicrylic (aimee)

y'all are not ready for rock hahaha


you guys it’s better to listen to the re-recorded version of these, there are newer lyrics vids with accurate display of who is singing what i suggest this one for rock https://youtu.be/1uya1Cr0G4k ☺️ but great insights and reaction as always, really look forward to your inputs on skz much luv!


Great reaction as usual!!! Y’all are gonna get whip lash with ROCK, Grow Up then 3rd Eye. Lol. Can’t wait!!!


I really enjoyed the reaction, as usual! And you’re right, this feels very Linkin Park. Also a bit Evanescence-y?

Handsome Sausages

Hey! Yes absolutely! We just decided to go for the older og version because we might eventually get to the 2020 re-recorded versions later :D

Handsome Sausages

The hype for 3rd eye is REAL. And we vibe HARD with your statement about adolescent years because we've been having that exact same thoughts ourselves as an older baby stay!! So no, not just projecting - we see a common theme here ;)

Handsome Sausages

Thanks to you though, we decided to listen to both versions for Rock ;) THANK YOU we had so much to talk about !!


Yay thanks also! Looking forward to hearing what you guys think 🤘

Tess Huber

This is one of my Favorite SKZ songs. Total head banger as you discovered yourselves.