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Talk about mind-reading. We definitely want to stay. :')
This was yet another wonderful piece from ATEEZ that played on the House genre by utilizing variety of synth pads and other instruments that defy conventions and subvert expectations.

As we say in the video, we can't believe this was their debut album (and even more so with Hala Hala, which is the first track in the next album).

One more song left on this album - let's keep it cominnnnn!!!

Enjoy :D <3

Also, KQ Fellaz material coming soon as well!!!!


Yall Hearing This podcast

My little Atiny heart is so excited for this journey!! Thank you ❤️


Y’all reacting to the sounds in the back makes me excited for y’all to react to their song “Time of Love”. It almost puts me in a trance. 😅

Sam w

I wonder if this song came out before or after Stray Kids announced their fandom name... I'm not sure of the timeline. The fact this song sounds like it's directed at their fans, and Stay is the straykids fandom is curious. Probably unrelated, just makes me wonder! also, is the instrument you mentioned marimba?

Handsome Sausages

I know right? What a coincidental cross over we thought it's interesting haha. And yes I think we were thinking of marimba, but you know - ATEEZ, brain cell destroyers, etc. etc. same old story. :')


Can't WAIT to hear what you think of Desire. The way it is composed is very specific and deliberate. And that is all I will say. :D

Kay Popped

Stray Kids announced their fandom name in August of 2018, and ATEEZ debuted in October. I'm sure Stay had been on the ATEEZ books for a while, since ATEEZ creates contents years in advance (see outro of Answer becoming full song two years later). I doubt they knew it would have the same name.

Sam w

Thanks for the unfo! I glanced at release date, but didn't think much beyond that. I'm sure the song was written well in advance of the Stay Fandom!