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We failed to define this music.

We failed.

Also, as the title says, we've reacted to both versions of Rock (thank you to those who suggested on YT, Patreon, etc.) to see what's up and it was RLLY fun. We would've probably just stuck with the OG ver until later, but I think it was right to do both versions back to back, or even just the OT8 version.

So much fun, can't wait to finish the album, and like we asked in the video, please let us know what the 'mixtape' song is all about and if there's a link, please share!

Love you all so much.
Have a wonderful Friday!

Love love.



Ok so the original mixtape songs where for cd only but then they ended up being most of the yellow wood album. Mixtape 1 is based off the original 3racha song placebo. The recorded ot8 version on the skz2021 album goes by the title Placebo.

Pauline R

Hello! Thanks for the reaction, as always. The songs titled Mixtape with a number following were 3RACHA songs remastered for the whole group and released only on the CD album at first. Then other Mixtape songs came along like Mixtape OH or Mixtape: Time Out, which are just songs made for the group but not meant to or announced to be on an album when released. It's always a fun time either way. I hope I was clear enough for you to understand and if anyone can explain better please do haha. Also... 3rd Eye? Absolute bop. Everything hits in that song. Lyrics, intrumentals, vocals... I love it! Can't wait for you guys to hear it.

Ash Carr

i cant wait for you guys to react to grow up 🥹 i feel like thats one of the songs that really encompasses skz's values as people and also the precious relationship between skz and stay. i love watching you guys go through this musical journey with skz in a very similar way to how most stays do when they find skz for the first time. thanks for bringing so much warmth and laughter to the world !!!!


As far as I am aware, there are only a few songs which were recorded as OT8 that have very different lyrics - it'd be the ones where Woojin participated in the writing. Mostly the mixtapes #1-4. N/S has a slight change as the original version has it end with Woojin saying a statement and the OT8 is changed to Lee Know and Lee Know made a different statement. Most of the re-recorded versions are just re-recording of the parts that Woojin did previously (assuming so JYP wouldn't have to pay royalties to an artist that's no longer under them), possibly with a polish on the music. I believe Zone, which was originally a SKZ Record on youtube by Bang Chan, Changbin and Han, was re-mastered I believe when they included it on SKZ Replay album. Yes, that was Lee Know in Rock - the lyric videos were correct :) There's also a street version of this on their channel and I recommend watching that as the boys are just having a blast on the street heh. The beginning of the first lyric video had a very quick blurb about what the song is about. Basically about frustrations and how it'd be so much easier to be a rock.


I really enjoyed the back to back reaction so thank you for that. Rock is one of my favourite SKZ songs. When it comes to the ot8's there isn't much difference except the line distribution. However in the mixtapes you will Woojins lines tend to be completely removed from the song unless it's from the chorus that's where the big difference happens.


Mixtape #1 is a 3racha song that was re-released/re-written for stray kids. You should check out the original 3 racha song first then Mixtape #1 or vice versa. Here's the original 3racha song: https://youtu.be/pOLGOmBv7TM


Thanks for this reaction, it was really enjoyable! About the OT8, as other people have already said they're basically the same, but I still find them interesting to listen since Woojin lines are usually done by Bang Chan, Lee Knows or Han! Vocals are different but amazing :) About the Mixtape, pretty sure they're all included in later albums so don't worry, you'll get to them eventually. The only songs that you wouldn't want to skip are 'Neverending Story' and 'Hello Stranger' since they are dramas OST and not included on their albums even though they're bangers :( Looking forward to Grow Up and specially 3rd Eye OT8 ;)

Sam w

I have tried to listen to every stray kids song I can get my hands on, but there's so much inevitably I miss some. I thought I was done being surprised by them. Psych! This knocked my socks off. I had no idea I was missing something like this! I'm so glad I got your reaction and evaluation for the first listen, as it helped make sense of an admittedly confusing song. Confusing in the best way, of course, but still! I love your insights, they always help put my finger on the parts of songs that scratch the itch in my brain. Thanks for this!

your name here

Others already explained the numbered mixtape songs as 3RACHA songs. They were originally album only releases, and later were digitally released on the Cle 2: Yellow Wood album (that'll be when you hit their 2019 discography). When they were remastered as OT8, they were returned to the original 3RACHA titles instead of the numbers. Mixtape #1: Placebo Mixtape #2: Behind the Light Mixtape #3: For You Mixtape #4: Broken Compass Mixtape #5: Hoodie Season

Court V

Hi do yall react to cb trailers/teasers? If so, Ateez just released a trailer and 5 teaser trailers that would be cool to watch your reaction to!


Its such a magical song, I love it 💕


Hello Stranger is so easy to forget about bc it's an OST - but it's one of my favourite songs by them


I love this songs, i hope guys won't skip them. Hello stranger is one, that i replay the most)

Harley Shanks

Okay so I don’t know ANYTHING about recording music, but with the re-records, I wonder if they’re able to take some parts from the original songs and only re-record whats necessary. In this case, Han taking Woojin’s lines. I feel like it would be waaaay easier to just get one or two members in the studio to record, than arranging the whole group to be together, especially with every member having individual schedules. I don’t doubt that 3Racha have the technical prowess to “fuse”songs together like that and make them sound cohesive.

Handsome Sausages

Absolutely - since each track exists separately with their own effects and plugins, our guess is that they simply replaced the old lines from Woojin and perhaps couple notes here and there with re-recordings and just left the rest untouched, and instead remastered the entire song with the redone parts.

Harley Shanks

Ah, okay, yeah I figured it was possible just wasn’t sure of logistics! Very interesting. I think with some Skz re-records the changes are more obvious but honestly, its never super obvious in the way that some other artists’ re-recordings sound, like Taylor Swift’s.

Tracey Okeby Lucan

Thank you for this. I’ve never been able to work out what genre of music this was supposed live in either. I’m so glad not to be alone in that 🙃


You can check this reaction on YT)))) They already did


Yayy it’s out, thoroughly enjoyed this one! Love your reaction & inputs as usual can’t wait til you guys get to 3rd eye and the rest


Rock by SKZ 🤝 Tinnitus by TxT: songs about wanting to be a rock

Aisilinn Nelson

https://youtu.be/85-yvOv4R-Q Here’s the link for the OT8 MV of mixtape 1 in case you couldn’t find it. Also, I really suggest reacting to the 3racha versions of the mixtapes before you react to the OT 8 versions. It’s a lot of fun to see how they tweaked it after gaining more experience and to fit all the members. Also, in the OT8 version of the mixtapes it’s worth noting that each member wrote their part for the song 😊

Neuter Lover

Yes!!! Reacting to Both OT9 and OT8 versions is the best decision! We'll see the development of them. The OT8 version is cleaner and have higher quality of sound (mix and mastering).


Awesome reaction as always. It still blows me away how talented they were at such a young age and for them to only get better. It’s insane. Here’s comes the whiplash! Get ready for these last couple tracks.


So with both skz 2020 and skz 2021 there are definitely songs where they just re-recorded Woojin’s part but one that you’ll listen to later is Maze of Memories and if you listen to a side by side comparison they have on YouTube you can here a clear distinction between the vocal qualities for both of them the re-recorded one sounds much clearer and crisp the pronunciation is a bit sharper even some of the flows aren’t perfectly in time. If you listen to it where you listen to the old one and then listen to the new one you might not even notice it until you listen to the side by side comparison at the exact same time and that’s when you might notice it being a split second off. For the most part though a lot of the re-recorded ones sound pretty much the same minus woojin’s parts. And don’t feel bad for not realizing it’s Lee Know after Changbin because the moment you listen to Going Dumb by Alesso and Corsak Ft Stray Kids you won’t be able to tell who’s who in the chorus. Like so many stay were confused about the line distribution of Going Dumb that Bang Chan had to tell us exactly who was singing what parts because no one could agree on who was singing because they have so much range in their vocal abilities.


For the 3Racha Mixtape songs, it’d be great to see your reactions back to back on how they went from 3Racha to StrayKids OT8 songs. I really think you’ll find it fascinating.

Handsome Sausages

Oh I don't blame anyone missing SKZ songs as there are so many, and even though we're goin in order it's like..there are still performances, and other versions that we will inevitably miss and...phew. I mean, aren't we all glad there are always more songs to discover from SKZ? :D

Star Dust

I think I.N is the real clue here. His voice is totally different now. It was still changing in 2018 and you can hear that in this song. He definitely didn't re-record his vocals. I think it's just remastered.

Ron Jackson Jr

3racha islike you guys when you upload songs on Soundcloud and everyone listen to it. such a bop song.


I feel like they re-recorded where they had to and maybe gave members options to re-record parts that maybe they weren’t happy with later on because there are some spots where you’re like “maybe…” 😂 Also I’ve heard it said that some of the parts that were replaced with Han are actually just taken from the original guide because he does a lot of them. I haven’t found the source for that but honestly, for the sake efficiency and because Han was likely the right choice anyway, it would have made sense.

Ceci n Ana

(omg i started this, and my video froze early in, and i sat there and let the audio run like that for srsly like 30 full seconds before i realized something was wrong because I THOUGHT HAN WAS STILL PRETENDING TO BE A ROCK.)