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Here's our reaction to SKZ's S-Class.


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Musicians react & review ♡ SKZ - S-CLASS (MV)

WE COULD NOT WAIT. THIS WAS TOO GOOD. New album, 5 star, new track, hype, all here. S-Class, aka 특, is seriously S-class and SKZ has outperformed themselves YET AGAIN. The dance, the lyrics, the WORDPLAY, the bpm change, the genre, the mix, the looks...my gosh what are they doing to reach this level??? How are we supposed to wait on the rest of the album until we catch up? How are we supposed to function after this? Hope you enjoy our breakdown :'). As we say in our video, you can go to http://coreelle.com and enter HANDSOMESAUSAGES20 to get 20% off SKZ X NACIFIC products to support SKZ, your favourite YT commentators (us :D) and to keep your skin fresh and young! For direct link, visit https://bit.ly/3M0Flu6 We're also currently reacting to ALL SKZ songs in order over at our patreon, so if you don't want to wait for our reaction to 5 Star album and instead wish to follow our journey real time, support our channel, and get access to other extra contents, visit http://patreon.com/handsomesausages !! Kpop producers and singer-songwriters react to Stray Kids' S-Class (특) (MV). Enjoy! Sound at http://soundcloud.com/hsausages Follow us on IG: @handsomesausages Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - NACIFIC 2:53 - Reaction 6:17 - Initial Thoughts 7:17 - Tempo & Beat Change 9:06 - Unique Progressions 9:47 - Sources 10:21 - Korean Wordplay 12:34 - SKZ be S Class 13:30 - MV 14:10 - SHOUTOUT #skz #straykids #sclass


Mary Berry



The laugh after the mv was done 😂 same actually. The beat, choreography, m/v, vocals, raps everything is so crazy. There's even more to discover when you listen to it more than once. I saw Korean stays trying to explain the lyrics since it's wordplay but I'm happy to understand it a lot better now. The album is just a masterpiece, they truly never disappoint. Thank you so much for the video!!! I will be waiting 3 years for the next ones lmao


I was so excited to see you guys react to this one that when I saw the notification email, I literally got out of bed and came back to my study to watch! This song is fascinating to me; the first time I listened to it, I was slightly offput by the beat change when it switches to Changbin's hiphop verse, but it still seemed to fit somehow - like, the song goes through so many changes, but you can see how the transitions work and there's still a repeating motif, so it doesn't (to me, at least) feel like a Frankensong the way, say, nmixx's Dice does, where I can't see how the different pieces link up. But interestingly, my reaction to the tempo change was different when I heard the song without watching the MV - as you said, there's something about the song that makes the main beat feel faster than it really is, and I think the MV accentuates that by having so many fast cuts and swift-moving visuals, so that, when the beat change comes and the visuals *also* shift, becoming slower and more pronounced, it seems like an even bigger change; but when I just listened to it sans MV, the change felt natural. And the MV itself has a lot of throwback details to their earlier MVs, like the blue fire from Thunderous, the chef gear from God's Menu and the van from Christmas Evel (to name a few), so adding in the Korean wordplay (which I always love knowing about!) makes it that much richer a text, frankly. I can't wait for you to get to the whole album - I've been listening to it on repeat since it came out and I don't think I've hit skip once. But this song in particular is so complex in a way that isn't always immediately comprehensible and yet (I think) is still sufficiently compelling that you want to listen again and again, because there's just so much to listen *to*.


Love love love the hip hop verse and dance breakdown. They come out of nowhere and are total perfection


this song has definitely had a unique reaction in my brain. At first I didn't think it was that special, yet because I'm a big Stay I wanted to support them so I kept listening and now it's quickly turned into one of my current favourites. It's branded inside my brain to the point that I find myself waking up with the chorus in my head or randomly doing the dance at work. I would highly recommend you guys to rewatch the MV if you havent already because I feel like the shock made you miss some pretty cool details (honestly whoever edited this MV.. genius, THE TRANSITIONS OMG! the dance is also really amazing, I feel like they put some extra emphasis on facial expressions (few examples with timestamps of your video: Hyunjin's First line (3:18) and first chorus (3:53) ; IN's first chorus (3:59) and bridge (5:14) , Changbin's Rap-break (what do you even call it.. its my favourite part) (4:19), Seungmin's "We're special" (5:28). I know you guys still have a lot of music to go through, but when you do get to the rest of this album: my favourites (besides S-class) are DLC and Topline.


I can’t wait for y’all to react to TOPLINE ft Tiger jk. And Super Bowl. Shit.. and Hall of Fame.. and Item. 😂😂


Love the lyrics breakdown! I think in the album intro video, the members mentioned how Chan was very particular about the pronunciation of each 별의. Highly recommend checking out the Intro video on JYPE's YT page as they talk more about the behind the scenes making! Skz songs always have soooo many layers to them, which just makes them so fun to listen to.


I haven't even actually watched this yet but I just wanted to say thank you for not making us wait!


Yup, amazing. Thank you!!! Someday you'll listen to Super Bowl too and then my life will be complete...at least until the next comeback :)


okay so not only does the music absolutely slap, here's some Lore explained from what i gathered: The mirror breaking kind of reminds me of the SKZ Lore from I am NOT where they broke out of the "societal norms" and chan shattered the dome by driving through it with a bus! The Guard looks like he's from the Shin Menu marching band. The cake might be a reference to Felix's cake in Mixtape: OH and The View MV where he makes a wish for SKZ to all be together and it comes true respectively - maybe a hint that theyre continuing their SKZverse Lore of them being clones and IN being the only one who knows the truth? (He's the only one who introduced himself by name in I Am Ground, maybe thats why? And even in this song, he has this unsettling smile the whole time they're dancing and he has the only actual melancholy sounding line about being the brightest star - IN was described by Chan as an oracle in the SKZ Lore-). Even the people in black hoods seem like versions of the white hooded figures from their I am NOT and Back Door videos. Theres the blue fire and the lion dancers from Thunderous as well in that same scene. maybe all the metal can type things we see flying around in the Safe scenes are references to the tin cans Lee Know was chucking at Felix in the Oddinary trailer (maybe another subtle hint that these are the characters from Oddinary and not real SKZ themselves? Or that they've somehow merged after the incidents in Maxident?) Maybe the First Class (Xmen reference like you said) might be another subtle hint that the guys are all from a different part of the multiverse - theyre lore has consistently been about clones, and multiverses, so I think it might fit? We even get to physically see the clones in the chorus dance scenes, just like in circus! (i think the moon may have the meaning of transcending just one world, but also Seungmin made a joke about wanting to go to the moon in an interview so maybe this is a shoutout to that!) Them dancing on the streets could also be a callback to when they used to make street videos for their songs back in their predebut and trainee days. The red lights in Oddinary always hinted at the Evil/Clone versions of SKZ which is interesting to see here. All the fire distortions also remind us of circus and the clones there too. There;s even a skateboard that you peek that reminds us of superboard at some point. And when Felix takes off his sunglasses and the scenes change, it could be a hint about how Felix is the conductor seeing the multiverse and clones because that was kind of his role in Oddinary - being part of both worlds. The light when they pause time is kind of like that scene in Scars when they find the light of the stars that come together and it frees the ghosts - felix even says the line "our light becomes one"! i might be totally wrong, but that's kind of what I got from this!


But also ya'll are NOT READY for this album! It's just title track after title track, and its definitely a no skip album for sure! Can't wait till you hear superbowl and topline!!


Thank you so much for doing s-class now and, if this one blew your mind, you should hear the rest of the album! Definitely a no skip album. Iconic, so impressive, they matured, right, as you said, to an own level. Hall of fame, they reached it


No you are not ready for this album like at all like there’s two full English songs, a song featuring tiger jk, a song written by chan and Felix about the Australian bushfires, one of the English songs was originally supposed to be their title track God’s menu and they held off and it’s been stuck in my head for days now. It’s like they just put every title track idea they’ve ever had but have never released into one album. I literally cried 3 times when I first listened to the full album and there’s one song that I cry to every time I listen to it. Like this album was absolutely insane.


Im sooo happy you couldn't wait for this!!!! As always, thank you for the reaction! You weren't the only one amazed by the song and just a little spoiler: you can definitely notice their growth as musicians on this album, it's so GOOD. Also, thanks you so much for the lyrics explanation, it just makes me appreciate SKZ even more!

Sam w

I don't think a reaction has ever been more relatable. That was exactly my first reaction seeing this! They have evolved so much, but still that is such a quintessentially Stray Kids song, I don't know how they did it. Also, Seungmin ATE this comeback!


I felt the need to comment for the first time because I'm so glad you reacted to this. When the album dropped, I watched the MV first and was blown away. This song feels like a culmination of everything they've been working toward since God's Menu - it's like the ultimate Stray Kids. Honestly, I can't wait for you to listen to the album. I wasn't even half way through the first track (Hall of Fame) and I was hands on my head and slack jawed. To me, this is their most cohesive album and I think it might also be their best. You're going to have a blast when you get to it.

Marifel Trias

I am posting this the YT page, too. I totally live for your SKZ reactions. You crack me up every single time. I love how you are blown away because it validates those of us everyday folk. Your perspective ranks higher to me because of your knowledge and experience. Besides the fact that you have good taste and aren't wrong about how fantastic they are 😉, you really appreciate their talent and the choices they've made in music production. It's awesome to have industry insiders give them props for their skill and genius.

Marifel Trias

PLEASE JUST REVIEW THIS ALBUM. WE CAN'T WAIT 3 YEARS. You really need to hear it. This needs to be AOTY!

Maak Bates

Love to see the Kids blow minds like this! Love your videos and insight, keep up the good work!


SAME BROS SAME!!!! I’m 99% sure I laughed the same way you did and wasn’t sure what just happened. I was definitely shook after listening - then I listened to the whole album and 🤯. I might be biased but it’s like an entire album full of title tracks. Y’all are NOT ready. I love their lyricism SO MUCH! I wish I could learn Korean faster just to appreciate it more.


I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist. And I think we’d all forgive you if you interspersed your past Skz album catch up with this current album. Honestly, every song on this album is stellar and you shouldn’t deny yourselves from listening to it. Maybe as each MV comes out you should gift yourselves by reacting to them. And speaking of MV, due to you guys being blown away, I think you missed a lot in that video. You may want to rewatch just to see the story that’s happening. I mean there was an octopus or giant squid. As well as them dancing on the moon and a spaceship (I think).

Neuter Lover

Wow! I enjoyed your reaction a lot!!! Hahaha we're almost the same! For me I decided to listen to this song and the whole album on Streaming service first to pay attention to the music only and YES! for S-Class song, I heard the hook from MV Teaser and knew that this is not my type of music I'm listening, but I guessed SKZ would made something I will keep on listening for sure. Then while listening to the audio, that was a huge journey! Unpredictable innovative things happened and connected with the beautiful melody + vocals. Yeah It became the song I wanna listen more and more. I don't know Korean and thanks a lot for explain the word play which I couldn't understand all from Eng subtitle. You guys help me to impressed with the song a lot.


I laughed the same way you guys did when it ended! Also it was crazy that they included the iconic venom beat in the beginning of the song before hyunjin’s part!!

Handsome Sausages

Oh very very cool - YES. We did hear many were put off by the beat change, but seeing how we loved it, we definitely think the MV helped with the digestion- it's wild how much music has become an audiovisual medium despite the...well, definition of it being purely audible one haha

Handsome Sausages

Ohhhh snap - will do - seems like we missed a lot of visual details on this one but..i mean, can anyone blame us? The music was stabbing our brains repeatedly until we collapsed.

Handsome Sausages

Gota use that Korean blood to the work! It's great that we can actually interpret lyrics and other culture specific elements - we love doing that, and we're happy to always find out that people really appreciate it :D

Van Nguyen

you should've check the rest of the album, your brain is gonna be burned

Ron Jackson Jr

are you guys really sponsored by Nacfic that's kinda cool

Ceci n Ana

WOOO! still working on catching up, had to stop and comment, this m/v is so 🔥🔥🔥!!! your reaction took me back to those first listens when i couldn’t stop laughing and clapping and making weird noises. 😂 my favorite part has always been the miniature street model old school rap break- it even has those high tone record scratches- so totally run dmc, salt n pepa… *feral*