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Hello everyone.

Just a quick question as we're organizing our upcoming contents here.

Can someone let us know exactly how we should tackle the Kingdom performance videos? Should we just react to all episodes in full in order, or is there a better way to approach it - perhaps select episodes, select stages, etc. etc.

Since we got a lot of help from those in voting hot dog tier as well with this idea, we plan to release some videos of us reacting to the Kingdom performances for that tier as well, so we wanted to get some ideas.

If it's better to do select stages only, we might do full episodes for those in extra spicy chorizos tier, and maybe some stage clips for voting hot dogs (we seriously gotta change these names don't we, darn it), blah blah, so let us know what the best angle is for this as we're going in completely BLIND.

As usual, much love!!



Lol no don't change the names!!!! And I think what you guys said was good full eps. Honestly that way you get the full experience as to what kingdom was.


The episodes are long as hell. And if you want to react to every performance by every group then watching them in order is your thing. But if you just wanted ATEEZ and SKZ then there are plenty of videos on YouTube that have just their performances.


The episodes are pretty long but it’s kind of hard to understand what’s happening if you don’t watch all the details between the performances. For example each episode reveals current standings throughout the competition and tells what the theme of each performance will be and you def want to see the reactions and interactions between SKZ and ATEEZ!! So if you’re willing to do the whole episodes I would not complain!


Watching the full episode is important for context but if you don't want the performances to be interrupted then I suggest switching to the full versions on YouTube when you reach those parts in the episode. It will require you to have a few tabs open and switch back and forth but it will spare you some frustration from evil editing.


Every performance starts with the same light/sound cue so you will know it is time.

Court V

I vote to watch all the episodes in order! I feel like that will help the stages make more sense. Also, if you do, ignore the votings and rankings for the show. It was a popularity contest and was really screwed up. How the voting was done caused a lot of controversy and hate between the fandoms. Artists such as ateez were also treated really bad by mnet and other fandoms over the rankings. The stages and interactions of the artists are the only good thing about the show 😅 if you do watch the full show, I really recommend either rewatching the full stage right after or right before because in the show, during the stages, a lot of the other artists reactions were badly places when the stages were showing, and it made the stages look choppy in the show and took away the full effect. I would personally recommend right as the stage is about to come up in the show, to switch the video and watch the full stage video on YouTube first (still in your reaction though), and then continue the show with the stage but with the other artists reactions.


I think honestly you should react to the whole show. Especially if you’re wanting to broaden your horizons of groups. But as everyone is saying above it is pretty lengthy so what ever will be easiest we’ll enjoy


My suggestion would just be to watch the full episodes in order - they give background details of each group's preformance - so that would be pretty cool for you guys to watch. P.S. I absolutely love the naming so dont change 🤣💀 (gotta be jutdae like Changbin always says).


After the first couple episodes, I'm going to admit I fast forwarded through almost everything but the stages and the sports day when I watched Kingdom. I don't know most of the other groups besides skz and Ateez well enough to really want to see all the back story, planning and rehearsals. It's a lot. You've already got so many videos and albums on the schedule. Full eps of Kingdom will slow you down more. So I vote you just react to the stages.


The whole eps are pretty long and often cut at weird places. But they do add a lot of background for the creative process for each group and of course cute interactions. You can just power through the individual performances, they're on YouTube. I'd do the ones without the group reaction for a first run through. I love the reactions but they do break up s stage and can get distracting.

Melissa Hernandez

Ive watched it all through I didn’t want to be biased and I enjoyed watching other groups and how they differ from skz. I say watch it through all performances are good and I like the behind the scenes we get to see in each episode but if you just want to watch all that, just watching the performances is fine too. I would LOVE to hear your opinions on some of these scores 😐


PERSONALLY, I think y’all should do the full eps. And if y’all wanna give something from Kingdom to the lower tiers too, maybe clip just the stages and your reactions to those and post those separately. I’ve seen some people have issues with putting those on YouTube though unless it’s blurred or something, so it might still have to be a Patreon only thing

Yall Hearing This podcast

I absolutely love the whole show- I think it’s great to see all the different groups interact and the whole creative process behind the frankly insane performances! I think your idea of doing full episodes for one tier and performances for another makes sense for sure ❤️


Additionally, if you have access to Viki the whole show is on there which makes for much easier watching than trying to piece together the chunks on YouTube. But I’ll be watching your reactions no matter how you do it !

Yall Hearing This podcast

I will say when we reacted to the performances on our channel they were always blocked- I know you like to watch and not pause so would definitely recommend keeping them on Patreon and save yourself the headache!


Honestly, to fully appreciate all that is Kingdom, you should watch the full episodes in order. Trust me, I’m not the only one who would sit for your full reaction to them. Either way, I’ll watch no matter how you do it. I loved all that was Kingdom.


Honestly you should probably watch the whole thing from start to finish. They are quite long but it’s really is interesting to see how everyone prepared for each stage and the behind the scenes. I did find a few things to be boring - not gonna lie. I would be ok watching the reactions of the just the performances since the episodes are long and watching them will be time consuming as it is. For lower tiers maybe just thoughts and very short audio clips from the performance….as some have said above they aren’t friendly to sharing on YT. Also Viki would be your best friend for this project Also do not change the names they’re awesome 😎

Gaby Fukumura

Yes, watching them in full is best. However, maybe for a select few stages you should watch the YouTube version as the episodes do the weird cuts to show reactions and then repeat parts of songs. Maybe choose those after you watch the full episode to appreciate the full performance.


Viki app seems to have the best streaming of it (with subtitles yay!). I would definitely watch the full episodes in order. Episodes 1-9 are about 1.5 hrs each. The final episode is like 3 hours. I would definitely watch your reactions but it’s going to be time consuming for y’all to make the content. We’ll watch whatever y’all decide to do. 🥰


In the show they mix up the groups sometimes so it will be difficult to watch just Stray kids or Ateez. Plus, to me, what makes the show interesting is how the groups interact and how they react to each other's performances. Perhaps you could react to the first one to get a feel for the format of the show, then decide from there. :-D

Kay Popped

Full-episode pros: you get to see and learn the groups, their dynamics, members, personalities, and how they chose and worked for their performances. This is a good choice if you actually want the whole experience, or want to see other groups in action to compare performances and decide for yourself how the competition went down. Cons: the episodes are very long, judging/scoring is boring, stupidly edited to add drama (making it needlessly time-consuming), and if you aren't into (or wanting to get into) the other groups, it's a lot of watching for nothing. Recommendation: use the viki.com site to watch the team prep and performances from those you're interested in seeing. Why? Because Viki's translation team actually translated the lyrics, and the version on YT didn't, so especially when there's a rap battle with clever lyrics, anyone who watches only the YT versions didn't get to see the English translations. BUT if you really like a performance, you'll want to watch the YT version without the interruptions, because that's something Viki doesn't have. You would likely end up watching the "with comments" version and the "straight through" versions if you're really interested in what it looked like as an overall performance. Maybe go through the "with comments" versions, pick your favorite x number, and watch the "straight through" versions of those as one video. You will, though, probably want to see the full episodes from sports day, because they're different than all the rest, and they're funny. If you decide to go this route and need timestamps to start/stop, let me know and I'll put together a list so it's easier when you're recording. Looking forward to whatever you decide!

Mary Berry

I would love to see full episodes in order. It introduced me to all new groups and gave me so much appreciation for all them. I was just thinking about re-watching then anyway, because I was so new to kpop that I didn't know anyone in any of the groups. I need to see them again now knowing who each member is in Stray Kids, Ateez, Ikon, etc. But I'll watch whatever you put out. Enjoy 🤗

Neuter Lover

How about pick up Performances clips from YouTube first (whole songs without interruption) to get pure reaction how u feel about the show as the audience. Then watch the full Episodes to get stories, background of each performances and how each groups develop themselves and how they reacted to all performances. That was fun. They all did great jobs.

Mel A

All the full episodes sounds like a lot of time for the watching AND an incredible amount of editing. What will you have to give up to do all that?


Well, I think with respect to time management: react to the performance videos, best without the other groups reactions, and watch the full background episodes privately for your own benefit whenever you feel like it. Otherwise the editing will keep you from reacting to 5-Star, which you NEED to see/hear ( so that you can enjoy relistening anytime)


it really depends on how much time you are wanting to spend on it. I would personally recommend watching the full episodes but maybe skipping through some of the talking/voting. Just because it is fascinating to see all the groups preparing a stage etc. If you want to focus no the music and dancing you can skip episode 6 (its really fun though, but its just them having a sport competition). You could watch just the performance videos, but I kinda think you'll be like me and want to watch everything after because of them. You could do a minimum edited version, but that would make for very very long videos (which I would 100000% watch but maybe not everyone)


full episodes would be longer, but honestly the interactions and the sports day part were so cute, its worth watching it all just for that! plus the context and themes and behind the scenes snippets make it worth the time you spend on it. I'd totally watch yall both react to full episodes!


You may want to watch the episodes off camera to get the backstory and assignments. Then do your reaction for the actual songs/stages.


Honestly, you love Stray Kids, AND Ateez, AND music generally, so...just watch them all, please, if you can manage it. Fast forward through the judging if you don't care about it. All the groups had their own spectacular performances, and their reactions to each other are a wonderful part of the show. The behind the scene clips give interesting insight into how different groups and companies operate and how much goes into making a live performance. The best part of the show is when they mix up the groups...you won't want to miss those performances either. Feel free to skip the athletics day though :P It's worth watching the dedicated stage performances once you hit a really spectacular one...but the charm of the show is really ALL of it, and you won't lose by watching the whole thing. I've watched it twice myself and three more times through other reactors on Patreon, it never gets old. And your musical insights will be such a wonderful perspective!

Eva Minster

I suggest that you react to the different stages in order because each performance creates one whole story. Also the way Wonderland Symphony No.9 and Answer Ode to Joy fit perfectly together. I think the Ode to Joy song will blow your minds, it blew mine because it has a bit of opera in it and magically works.


Seeing the other artists react to and how the judges ranked was interesting to me. But it does mess with the flow of the performance. I watched the full episodes, performances and then watched the full uninterrupted performance. I only watched Kingdom initially bc of ATEEZ and SKZ but I grew to really like BTOB (they are hilarious) and appreciate some of the other groups more. There was some shady feeling rankings for some groups, but it’s cool to see how they all interact and the dynamic. But they are hella long (I think an hour or longer?)


I say the full episodes because you get to see their thought process behind the songs sometimes them arranging the songs and all of the other groups reactions.


I’d prefer full eps! The groups are all fun to watch.

Yoshi (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

For your personal enjoyment, I'd recommend watching the full episodes on your own time so you can delve deeper into all the groups. Then, maybe post reactions to the stages. It'd save editing time but still give you all the background.

your name here

Full eps - fun to see idol interactions, and before each performance, they have a whole segment on getting ready for the stage, including working in the studio on the songs, dance rehearsals, etc.


My personal preference would absolutely be seeing you react your way through the whole kingdom show, it would be a lot of fun to see your thoughts and opinions on everything. But hey, I also love kingdom and have watched it like, 3 times, so I'm biased. The show is ridiculously long, with maybe 30 mins of backstory/bts for each group for each performance. It's a lot of content to watch all of it. And I realise its a big ask on your time and resources, which would take a lot of time from your other reactions. It feels like there's no "right" answer to this, you'll have to go with your gut, haha. You've gotten a lot of good suggestions above though! And yeah, if you end up reacting to just performances, watch the whole thing privately for your own sake, you wont regret it. I'll just end this by saying that if you actually do end up reacting to all of it, that would be all I needed for switching up to spicy chorizo-tier, lol.

Andria Panda

I think it would be really fun to watch the whole episodes. You get to see the personalities and interactions of everyone. As well as the processes.

Yeosangs Chicken Leg 🍗

I'm only interested in your reaction to Ateez performance lol but full episode reaction is fine as well. I can't wait!!

Handsome Sausages

Hahaha yeh we had ZERO intention of changing it - just a fun little joke. It's the BEST name for the tiers EVER don't you think :D?

Handsome Sausages

Still debating! But the editing part actually will be easier than most other videos as we will simply 'watch' the show and will not, for the most part, talk AFTER the episode ends. Time, yeh, that's definitely something to consider!

Michele Wang

Just a bit of advice, not only for Kingdom, but for all future series, too. Your channel is presented to us in English, right? So you have a lot of international viewers/fans? Most of us don't speak Korean like you do, so things will probably be more interactive if the content we're watching together is subbed in English. I'm not criticizing, just throwing out ideas. <3 I love your commentary from a Korean person's perspective, since most of us don't have that perspective, but to really get it, we have to know what you're referencing. XD Thanks for always having such quality content.