Quick Question (Patreon)
Hello everyone.
Just a quick question as we're organizing our upcoming contents here.
Can someone let us know exactly how we should tackle the Kingdom performance videos? Should we just react to all episodes in full in order, or is there a better way to approach it - perhaps select episodes, select stages, etc. etc.
Since we got a lot of help from those in voting hot dog tier as well with this idea, we plan to release some videos of us reacting to the Kingdom performances for that tier as well, so we wanted to get some ideas.
If it's better to do select stages only, we might do full episodes for those in extra spicy chorizos tier, and maybe some stage clips for voting hot dogs (we seriously gotta change these names don't we, darn it), blah blah, so let us know what the best angle is for this as we're going in completely BLIND.
As usual, much love!!