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Here's our reaction to ATEEZ's music bank performance with Cyberpunk!

As expected, YT doesn't allow the performance to be shown, so we decided to share it with you the uncensored version here.




Yeah. I wish there was an MV for it too. It’s like skz charmer. The best songs never get a MV. ATEEZ’s comeback is Friday. I’m impatiently waiting for the MV of BOUNCY to drop.


Yay! Thank you for listening to us and watching a live version! A super, iconic live performance that we will all suggest is ...2019 Mama Medly. Their very first MAMA experience! The main Ateez song it is Wonderland, so you can watch it without spoilers. The original was deleted in favour of an "official Fancam"version, but a fan reposted the original: https://youtu.be/HnIv-NVxSFE And here's What's on the M2 Channel right now, without the audience reaction from BTS: https://youtu.be/qPvdZJsDjLE If you watch the second one first, you'll see most of the choreography, but they will be blocked by a cameraman at some points. If you then watch the first link, you'll see what they were doing directly into the camera, but the camera will cut away briefly to BTS reacting in the audience (which is super fun). The MAMA performance is like their Kingdom performances; mandatory viewing for fans to get the full understanding of what they do and how they do it. You kind of need to see how they dominated the very first MAMA they performed in. Their backup dancers (BBTrippin) were amazing with the chairs for Cyperpunk, right? They are always awesome...they do a dance off challenge during concerts sometimes with the boys, it's great!

Eva Minster

I think the connection to this live performance was when they were promoting Halazia. That's their Halazia hair colours and Halazia released I think 1 January this year. Also, seriously I also wish there was a music video for Cyperpunk. As for live performance reactions, I think you should check out their Halloween themed performances or even Immortal Songs Psy edition. They did an epic performance there. However ATEEZ really does nail their live performances. Also the second teaser for the Bouncy video (new song) got released. It officially releases on Friday.

Gaby Fukumura

They performed this dance in their concerts in 2022, but never performed it for any shows. So if you didn't go to their concerts, you had to watch the fancams. This is their first televised performance of Cyberpunk.


Just a heads up, When you get to the Album "EP: Fun All to Action", we are also going to ask you to watch live stages of "Thank You", because they are so sweet onstage with each other duing it. But you have not heard that one yes, so you can wait a bit.


I’ve never been disappointed by an Ateez live stage/fan cam/face cam other than with occasional camera work. The lives and costuming for Halazia are phenomenal. The lives for Hala Hala are phenomenal. Deja Vu? Phenomenal. I also really like Good Little Boy’s live for the cowboy-inspired outfits and choreo. But a good place to start would be searching YouTube for their various comeback music shows. ETA: CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT LIVES FOR GUERILLA. WATCH THOSE IMMEDIATELY PLS.


This performance was from a Music Bank they were on to promote Halazia, so this was the extra song they did. Cyberpunk had been performed live during their world tour, but this is the one and only taped performance of it that aired on TV.


But for fun live stages - this Halazia is so good, really shows how wonderfully theatrical Ateez are - https://youtu.be/gL0iO4DthRs Same with this Guerrilla performance - https://youtu.be/txqBEC_KBJI

Court V

So Ateez actually never promoted any of their bsides from this album except sector 1 (it's amazing) up until the December/Jan right before/after they released halazia, which is months later. They released the album, then went on the break the wall tour a few months later which included guerrilla and most of the bsides. Cyberpunk wasn't gonna be included and they decided to add it at the last minute because of how popular it got, and bbt made a quick choreo and the concerts was the first time it was showed live. Music bank is the first official live broadcast of it. Ateez said that cyberpunk was a concert favourite among Atiny so when they had their break in Korea after the 1st leg of the tour, they promoted cyberpunk and Halazia. Also, Ateez are performance kings so is it possible you would be able to react to the performance when you do the lyric vid? Most of their songs have performances. Ateezs concert DVDs are also on YouTube and you can react to it there without getting copyrighted. The ep 1 movement album has performances for all but wdig (the ring and new world are my fave so please do performances with those) for the Seoul break the wall tour DVD on YouTube. And I actually recommend doing lives for every Ateez song you have done and will do but Halazia is a favorite for sure, but please do them all 🙏 i also recommend the 2022 kbs song festival Ateez performance for guerrilla, it's amazing. They also did TOP by shinhwa after too. And side note, is it possible that when you react you can turn the volume up a little? Sometimes it's hard to hear with the commentary so I have to turn it more and more up but then the commentary gets really loud while the music/what's being reacted to is still quiet so it's hard to hear. If not, just ignore me lol


Yes!! Thank you for the live version! I would recommend pretty much any live version you can find of them. Definitely performance kings! Impatiently waiting for Friday is like a slow death. I needed their comeback like yesterday.


Thank you for this!!! Ugh I knew you would love it. Live is where they shine. Um, live stages to HALAZIA https://youtu.be/gL0iO4DthRs Guerilla (there is nothing like hearing the fans scream “Break The Wall”) https://youtu.be/5i5WWFaekWU Wonderland (they also did a Halloween version which is bomb AF) https://youtu.be/-vphfDnAQDk (Halloween version) https://youtu.be/AFP6QLw0ClY HALA HALA https://youtu.be/gcO-3KO38QA

Handsome Sausages

Oh absolutely, we'll do that! We always try to match the volume so it doesn't peak but I assume you mean the music volume? :) We'll keep that in mind!

Ceci n Ana

#san’s waist fanclub