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Today is the day - NEW album starts. From 'all to zero', to 'zero to one'.

Let's see what this album has got in store for us; we reacted to Hala Hala already, so with that memory rather fresh in our heads, we went ahead with the second track, and the lead single, 'Say My Name'.

Lots to discuss, lots to dissect. This one was a lot of fun for our musical brains, and we look forward to more as usual!!!!

Also, never a bad day when a track has MV :)



Court V

Yay! This is Ateezs favorite song and their representative song! It's amazing live!


HanC saying "whats my name" at the start and DSome giving him that stare is actualyl hilarious because this is what Mingi says before performing this song to hype up the audience (and let me tell you, it works! Just imagine Mingi in his deep rough voice going "WHATS MY NAME?!" repeatedly.. goosebumps thinking about it...) To this day Say My Name is probably one of their best songs. I get hyped and excited every time I hear it. I absolutely love the choreography for it as well. Not to go into it, but you can look into it more if you're interested, but there has been some "controversy" with another artist plagiarizing their iconic dance move from the chorus.

Eva Minster

You guys were not far off with the alternate version of themselves. ATEEZ travelled from world A (theirs) to world Z (an alternate reality) and ATEEZ in masks are known as HALAteez (they're from the Z world) because that's their parallel selves. Hongjoong explains their lore on Showterview with Sunmi and on another, more recent interview.


I love you for this! I was gettin ready to dive into some lore but you saved me lmao ❤️

Sam w

Can't wait to watch this when I have a chance! Just wanted to drop a comment saying since it's Pride month, you should watch the undergr0und id0l "be" series by OnlyOneOf! It's amazing and I think you'd love it!

Eva Minster

No problem. It's super complicated lore and once you know it, it makes sense. But Hongjoong is also super good at explaining it.


So you can actually find full episodes of kingdom on skzflixx.carrd.co if you click kingdom legendary war and then hit play you can find the full episodes through that


I cannot wait until you get to the New World albums. Ugh they’re so good and intense. 🥵🤯

Eva Minster

At first, I didn't know kpop bands had lore so I never tried figuring it out until I found out. Like the Bouncy video, I think I guessed it right.

Tyra ☀️

Wow y’all haveeeee to check out the dance practice (or live 👀). It never gets old


Halateez are from a different world Strickland not a different time. And once in a while Ateez meets Halateez.


So Ateez used to always do double title tracks. And this is the one when I became A tiny. That last 30 seconds when the song basically ascends really caught me. Ah, the nostalgia is strong for this album.

♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

wahhhhhhhhh 😭This is another one I was looking forward to, not disappointed!!!😭I get chills everytime I hear Hongjoongs "I am the captain"


if you two have time, take a closer look at the lyrics, because hongjoong is known to play with words in his rap lyrics. for his 'zooming in cause i'm the captain" rap, if you look at the lyrics he spells out ateez. i'm even more amazed that the spelling also got carried over into the japanese version of say my name.