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New album, new beginning, and this is a GREAT start.

A GREAT START. This album sounds VERY promising! Let us know if we should be aware of anything going into this, but otherwise, I mean, it's solid and we have nothing but good vibes.

Also, as we say in the video, our reaction to My Pace will be out in a day or two!

So stay tuned for that!



Pauline R

Hey there! I always loved SKZ intros of the I am and the Clé series. Such interesting sounds each time. But Lee Know's parts here are actually Woojin's I think. At least the second half of it. The voice at the end saying '(Who?) I am WHO?' is Han's but the distorted part of it... I don't know haha. And yes it was Changbin and Chan recording a fake fight in 3rd Eye. Lee Know walked in on that and was very confused as to what 2/3 of 3RACHA were doing haha. SKZ sources are amazing! I love it! I love them! Thanks for the reaction!

Neuter Lover

The intro will continue to some tracks in "I am YOU" mini album. I won't spoil here hahaha. Let you guys discover it soon. Yeah all of their intro tracks are amazing!


I believe it was said in the album intro for I am You that the 3 intro songs, Not, Who?, and You. are actually one song split into 3? I could be misremembering if any Stay could correct me :)


As said before, they did merge the intros into a track, but you'll have to discover it 😬 Looking forward to it!

Sam w

Oh man, I cannot wait until you get to I am you! Also, thank you so much for doing all this! It’s such a treat to get to register to these and get a new perspective!