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Yep. Stay humble. This one shamed us bad. 

:) That is all.

The confession of our sins are in the video.

Enjoy :')



This album in my opinion is full of hidden treasures. Aside from I Am You and Get Cool I don’t think the rest of the songs got as much recognition but they’re all really good. Knowing what you guys tend to listen for and pick up in their songs makes it so much more exciting to see your reactions for the next and the next lol and watching reactors who are knowledgeable and interested in the actual production of the songs is so refreshing and much needed. Thank you for the content! 🙏

Pauline R

Through the years I never got used to SKZ's sound and yet I recognise it everytime and miss it when I've been listening to something else for too long haha. Their sound is unique. And black outfit is totally fine (please that's all I wear). Your confession... yeah. And Hero Soup is just amazing. I love the lyrics of that song and the underlying meaning of it. Can't wait for you to hear it as well! Be well and thanks for the video :)


My side is one of my favorites! I just recently went back and listened to SKZ from the very beginning, and y’all are right they are perfect.

Emily Cortes

You mentioned not being able to find N/S so here's the link: https://youtu.be/-CQypyGazkw Can't wait for your reactions lol

Taylor M

Having so much fun going back and revisiting all of these with y'all!


I love this one. It’s just a mindf**k of a song that in no way should work, but does. 3Racha and SKZ, even back then, were never afraid at working with that weird alchemy. Also, let’s give it up for the vocals in this song. The raps were great as usual but man, the vocals have me in chokehold. Thanks for the reaction, as always! Y’all were making me laugh. p.s. I could be wrong but I think was filmed in Chicago?

your name here

It was filmed at the Sky Bar in Bangkok, Thailand

Tracey Okeby Lucan

This the most chaotic reaction. I love it.

Neuter Lover

Oh They shoot this in Bangkok Thailand, my country!! At Chong Nonsi Skywalk and Lebua Hotel Bangkok. OMG! I confess that this is my first time watching this MV hahaha... I just saw N/S MV that also shoot in Bangkok. Enjoyed your reaction a lot! hahaha. After the sweet message to STAY in I am YOU, this time they confessed their feeling to STAY again with hitting our head / heart. I really love how they expressed it sweet+aggressively. Looking forward to Here's Soup, my favorite track of Stray Kids.


Ahh this song is such a vibe! SO many people dont realise that SKZ has been fully embracing their experimental side from the very start! The way the 2 different genres blend together just show how skilled 3racha have been from the get go honestly! Also loving how absolutely chaotic this reaction was hahaha


Ahhh great reaction! Their discography is seriously so diverse, you never know what to expect. The name of the song means nothing. You can’t even guess what your gonna get. Such a good album! I’m excited for Hero’s Soup - still not sure why it’s never been re recorded - good song though!!!


Lmao I loved this! It’s a mindf*ck of a song but it sounds so good. Love that it’s getting the attention it deserves!

Layah Snow

😂 great reaction, I knew the first drop would get you. Also, you are not a trash bag 🫶 lol