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Phew! This was a different style :D A breath of fresh air we never knew we needed but totally needed and here we are.

FYI, we weren't wrong about 안개 representing both mist and fog, but for the sake of specification, since mist is a weaker form of a fog, we could technically call it a 옅은 안개 (meaning light fog) in Korean! The more you know!

Enjoy :D




♡ Bludreamgirl ♡

how much do I love that even their light songs hit so hard.....

Kay Popped

Unfortunately, Mist is one of the ones that isn't done justice by lyrics videos. There is confusion between which parts are sung by Wooyoung versus San. So the opener is actually San, and the later "so please..." is Wooyoung. It's best seen when live, and there are concert footage versions of the song being performed in different live settings (sadly, most are pulled from DVDs). It's a chance, though, to see which singer is highlighted at which point. It helps to appreciate exactly which member is singing, because the vocalists can so often be underrated due to the type of music ATEEZ is known for. Their vocal line is _strong_ and this is one of the songs that highlights that. Glad you enjoyed!

Eva Minster

I could be wrong, but I think this album is their 'chillest' album. Which is nice. Probably their other not-so-intense album would be seasons greetings. I think that's right?

Stacey Mac

I love Mist but hate that the lyric videos mix up 산 and 우영. If you can find a live version I would recommend watching it. Mist was one of my favorites they performed at the concert I went to.

Stephany Sandoval

This song HITS live! I’m new here & literally binge watched all your ateez reactions last night including kingdom lol. I’m a huge atiny & they’re just amazing. I would love to see you guys enjoy a concert livestream of them.


It's so fascinating to watch you reacting to each song one by one bc i would say when i first found ateez, i kind of bought a lot of their songs and albums and listened to them all on an ateez playlist. So to see you react for the first listen is pretty neat. And yesss, as others have said, this is soooo beautiful live. The desperation hits differently on stage

Lourenna Riske

Brooo I found Mist last year October and a month later in my spotify wrapped it had over 900 plays and was my most listened too song in 2022 and will probably be in 2023 again. It has got to me my favourite song ever. This song has got me levitating and descending into another universe bro. Wooyoungs voice be hitting different here.

Handsome Sausages

Hi welcome Stephany! :D Glad to have another atiny on board! We're def gon check out the live versions of this!!!

Handsome Sausages

There certainly is a beauty in reacting to a single song a day and moving forward - but at the same time, with newer albums we do struggle avoiding them and waiting XD


“Mist” is a next-level experience live. It was already one of my favorites, and I just saw them live in Colombia a couple weeks ago and it was so gorgeous. I love how Wooyoung gets a real chance to shine in this song. I’m really enjoying getting to experience ATEEZ’s discography with y’all , because I actually don’t know all of it, despite being a StayTiny, so it’s a lot of fun. Thanks for doing it! Also, I’m sure you noticed my lack of novels and missed them (hahahaha) but while ATEEZ was amazing I actually literally almost died in crowd crush (I was at the very front and I am very small). I twisted my ankle, hurt my knee, whiplash in my neck, did some serious damage to my back, and was about to pass out from people pushing me from the sides and down to the floor (I also have a boring health thing that can cause fainting AND I was adjusting to the Bogotá altitude of 6860 ft as well) when my friend came back from the bathroom and basically put me under her arm like a football and tackled people out of the way to get me out. It was bad. It says a lot about ATEEZ that after I shook off the shock, popped a lot of ibuprofen, and just kinda dealt with the trauma crying that I STILL had a helluva time at their show. These guys know know to PERFORM, and they were super nice and personable at soundcheck. Total sweethearts and incredibly talented. It’s a shame no one working security told their team about the pushing, because they’ve stopped shows to deal with that issue before If anyone made it to the end of this, awesome! Go see ATEEZ if you can, they’re amazing live! But please don’t push at concerts, people can truly get really hurt. In the meantime, gotta catch up on your videos and continue to write rambling walls of text full of musical musings! Thanks y’all! ✌🏻 & 🩵


This is my favorite Ateez song. Kills me that they mixed up San and Wooyoung’s parts. Woo often gets overlooked as a vocalist and he really stands out in Mist.

Jaime Hicks

San was originally going to sing the chorus, but wanted Wooyoung to do it. 🫶


That's so true! Wooyoung voice in Mist is just perfectly beatiful <3