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Here's the compilation video for KLW E8 performances ! :D

We do say it in the full version of this reaction, but for this episode specifically, we were recommended to react to the uncut full performances (if applicable) and we happened to have the links for every single one of them so that's why you'll see that version here!

Enjoy! <3


Taylor M

Man Love Poem really was a beautiful choice for MayFly to perform the way they did. The meaning behind the lyrics just hit differently during the pandemic when they couldn't do live performances. I remember crying watching it back then because it struck such an emotional chord both in their delivery and the song's lyrics.

asja cambiganu

I know that the uncut version is the best choice, but it makes me sad specially for God's Du Du Du, you have "lost" the opportunity to see Ateez and the others idols simping over Felix showing his abs. Wooyoung screaming "My Son" about Felix after him showing is abs lives rent free in my mind.

Harley Shanks

I'm watching this before class and I'm trying so hard to not laugh out loud at those captions during God's Ddu Ddu Du. Same guys, same. I still get that excited when I watch that peformance. If you can do a whole analysis of it, I'm sure we'd love to see it, but no pressure!!!

Harley Shanks

So true!! The uncut videos make sense but I personally remember watching Kingdom as it aired and having the reaction of the other groups became one of my favourite parts that I ended up missing during the finale performances!

asja cambiganu

I've watched it online this year but every time i see their reaction i'm literally laughing on the floor and it's sad that they didn't show any reactions for the finale

Handsome Sausages

We actually preferred it as well :'( we were told that it may be too distracting so we tried it but we think we prefer the ones with reactions included so it'll be like that for the rest of the series!! :)


I think I have watched the Love Poem performance possibly a hundred times. I am not exaggerating when I say that it may be one of the finest ensemble performances I have ever seen/heard. From the perfect intonation to the vowel matching to each of them having a flawless technical performance to the expression to the arrangement. I could go on and on and on. What a gift this is!!!