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You know, when we first started this series, we had no idea what to expect and frankly, the first few episodes made us think that this would be as good as it gets. 

And that's not a bad thing at all because we were AMAZED in every episode.

But somehow, as the episodes progress, the performances just get BETTER AND BETTER AND BETTER AND BETTER.


This was one of the strongest, most emotional, most impressive episodes we've seen so far.

So enough said. ENJOY. <3



Me: It's after 11 on a Sunday. I should go to bed. Han-C and D'some: Lol, nope.

Stacey Mac

This was by far one of the best performances of Kingdom. I need an entire Mayfly reunion.


I'll be honest, Kingdom is not my favourite. The performances are amazing but I find the segments between and the scoring annoyingly slow. But I said I'd watch it with you guys because I'd get to see someone experience Love Poem for the first time since I never will be able to again. This performance is ecstasy and devastation at the same time. Thanks for letting us share this experience with you!


fun fact: because skz's performance was inspired my deadpool, it's led to ryan reynolds and stray kids (primarily chan) becoming good friends LMAO and it's been rumored/hinted that they might have a track on the next deadpool movie, which would be sick p.s: i don't know if yall ended up catching it, but in the episode my favorite part is when felix does his ab thing and wooyoung jumps up from his seat and says "my son" LMAO makes me die every time


It’s midday for me (Monday noon almost!) and am in the office today so I can only watch this later! But from your caption, I am glad you guys really enjoyed this so much and I am also very excited to hear your commentary during the episode. Kingdom has its fair share of issues, as with all reality programs (esp Korean ones) but we really can’t deny the amazing collabs and incredible “legendary” performances that were created because of Kingdom. I hope you guys will take the time to also watch Kingdom Week (at least the first 2 episodes which combined is less than an hour - I’ll link you guys once this Kingdom journey is done) after this! There are many aspects (behind the scenes) that were not aired that made the performances all the more incredible.

your name here

Bang Chan and Lisa are friends since they were trainees (BamBam from GOT7 introduced them), so it would've been so funny to see her just go right back on stage to hang out with SKZ hahahahaha


This is my fav episode of them all, and that is saying something because there are so many great performances in this show. I am so glad you enjoyed this, still sad when you don't see the other teams reacting though because I find it to be so heartwarming how they all cheer each other on. Have you considered watching the youtube version and then watching the edited one in the show, it would give you time to talk about the performances. Just a thought, although I know these are already really long so you most likely don't want to add to the run time :)

김수미 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-12-09 06:31:20 God’s Ddu-du ddu-du is a performance I regularly go back and watch like all the time it’s such an epic performance when I was watching this live I so badly wanted Lisa to be in both ikons and skz’s cause that would’ve been soo funny plus Lisa and Chan are really good friends since pre debut Lisa even bought Chan a really nice hoodie for his birthday. I definitely agree that Mayfly’s vocal performance blew It’s One’s out of the water it is just so perfectly arranged and produced and performed you can’t help but be moved by it and you really can’t help but feel bad because It’s One did a fantastic job but how are you supposed to be that and it’s even worse that they didn’t win a single unit and I know Inseong from sf9 was beating himself up so much because of his mistake and that really has to suck I felt soo bad for him and wished he didn’t feel so guilty about it.
2023-09-18 06:12:00 God’s Ddu-du ddu-du is a performance I regularly go back and watch like all the time it’s such an epic performance when I was watching this live I so badly wanted Lisa to be in both ikons and skz’s cause that would’ve been soo funny plus Lisa and Chan are really good friends since pre debut Lisa even bought Chan a really nice hoodie for his birthday. I definitely agree that Mayfly’s vocal performance blew It’s One’s out of the water it is just so perfectly arranged and produced and performed you can’t help but be moved by it and you really can’t help but feel bad because It’s One did a fantastic job but how are you supposed to be that and it’s even worse that they didn’t win a single unit and I know Inseong from sf9 was beating himself up so much because of his mistake and that really has to suck I felt soo bad for him and wished he didn’t feel so guilty about it.

God’s Ddu-du ddu-du is a performance I regularly go back and watch like all the time it’s such an epic performance when I was watching this live I so badly wanted Lisa to be in both ikons and skz’s cause that would’ve been soo funny plus Lisa and Chan are really good friends since pre debut Lisa even bought Chan a really nice hoodie for his birthday. I definitely agree that Mayfly’s vocal performance blew It’s One’s out of the water it is just so perfectly arranged and produced and performed you can’t help but be moved by it and you really can’t help but feel bad because It’s One did a fantastic job but how are you supposed to be that and it’s even worse that they didn’t win a single unit and I know Inseong from sf9 was beating himself up so much because of his mistake and that really has to suck I felt soo bad for him and wished he didn’t feel so guilty about it.


The most addicting performance of SKZ for me is God's Dududu. SKZ have their own behind the scenes for each episodes which shows details of the producing and their dance practices. It's fun to see the reactions of the group each performance, i hope you'll check it on ur own time. Love Poem is very heart warming, all members are so so proud of Seungmin. He received a lot of praise with this performance and he deserved it ❣️. SKZ improving their performance each episode is amazing, the talent is talenting for sure. Love your reaction to this ❣️


I honestly forgot that this episode had both Mayfly's vocal performance and the Shin's Dduddu. Two complete opposites on the spectrum of music but some of the best performances in this competition in my opinion. I've seen Mayfly's Love Poem so many times now, because it's so amazing. I even concidered using it for my opening's dance at my wedding next year (instead I'm probably going to do Ateez's - Be with you, can't wait until you guys react to that song! it's so beautiful). But every time I hear this performance it makes me tear up a little. This is also the performance that made me a massive Eunkwang fan. He's honestly such an inspiring musician. Not only is he an amazing singer on his own, but he really knows how to do just the right things to put the spotlight on the other members, both within BTOB as within Mayfly. I love how he mouths along the lyrics as the others sing, as a guide. If you ever have a chance to react to it, he performed a stage with his mother on Immortal Songs ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MTyqNFGkDo ) where he does this as well, and I find it honestly so beautiful, because you can see on his face how proud he is of the other performers. (On a sidenote, when you guys are done, please react to all Ateez's Immortal Songs performances, because they are very much Kingdom-like in grandeur: 질풍가도, 검은 고양이 (although this one was also released as a collab with Kim Jong Kook), Fantastic Baby, So You (Jongho solo, SOOOOO GOOD), It's raining, etc.),, I will send you some links in DM! As for SKZ's performance, I don't know who's responsible for the creative thinking within their management team at JYP, but this person deserves a raise. Bang Chan is a massive Deadpool fanboy (Ryan Reynolds even responded to this performance and follows SKZ now). This performance had it all, the amazing funny acting, witty details like the JYP Pabo, the perfect mashup between their song and Blackpink's, the ab reveal (because yes its a highlight, apparently originally IN was going to do one as well but didn't feel comfortable yet at this point in time) and the incredibly intense ending with their slogan 'Stray Kids everywhere all around the world', if SKZ is a cult I am in deep and never want to leave. From all the performances in this part of the competition I think Ikon was actually my least favourite, which also makes me a little sad because it was a cool performance. I liked the dancing, the stage, the storyline, Lisa etc. But I feel like the song didn't have that POW factor to make it super memorable.


You know, I don't think I noticed when watching and rewatching but I never noticed that the ItsOne groups didn't use all of the members in their subgroups. Like I suspended disbelief that they had so many people I just assumed everyone was there like in Mayfly. I wonder why that was. I know SF9 has super crazy schedules still going on during filming (I think), but idk. I think it's so cool too that Love Poem got a shout-out from IU and The SKZ No Limit stage basically got them to a casual relationship with Ryan Reynolds (And Hugh Jackman a bit, Aussie Bros unite I guess). And I have nothing to say for the No Limit stages, they're fantastic. Actually that's not true... One of my favorite parts of the SKZ performance is that the background adlibs you can hear are all live too, you can see them when watching fancams of the performane. Even when they're not in camera they're still performing. It's insane. Some I would wager almost better than the final stages. Their re-watchability are top tier.


Watching this after work now and am a bit disappointed you guys didn’t watch the reactions together :( I totally understand why you guys chose not to watch it but I think it’s still worth watching it after this on your own time! I think watching the other members’ reactions were part of the reason why a lot of us felt really emotional.


Wooyoung had some of the best reactions! The “my son” kills me everytime

stela ♥

yup, definitely one of the hardest hitting kingdom episodes :D SKZ reeeally blew it out of the water with this performance and of course the Mayfly vocal unit was something really special. funny thing when you compared Wooyoung's 'my boy' to your 'my baby', Wooyoung actually stood up and yelled 'MY SON!' when Felix did his ab reveal :D


Vocal ~ It's One I felt SO BAD when Inseong didn't hit his note like he'd planned. There was so much pressure on him for it, down to them actually saying it was the focal point, and it broke my heart to see how his shoulders are slumped as the camera pulls away from him... he recovers enough to finish out the song like the pro he is, but goodness, he had to feel responsible when the scores were finally announced and that's such a heavy weight for him to try to bear. Even now, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes because I can't get past the performance without getting caught by that. Him crying later on camera hurts, too. ----- Vocal ~ Mayfly You guys basically were spot on for how I felt about this whole performance, from song choice to how parts were allocated to Eunkwang being the center support to staging to... just all of it. There was no question at all, especially when the emotional power of it is also taken into account. ----- The SKZ performance has a hilarious reaction set, so hopefully you've watched it off-camera or plan to do so. Eunkwang and Wooyoung especially always stand out for me on this one, though Eunkwang's reaction will force you to do a little bit of recall by remembering his interaction with Bang Chan during the intro episode.

Kay Popped

This was an epic episode for the Mayfly/IU song. You're so right about Eunkwang being truly a master at production and putting the parts together to make them perfect. He was going to stand out regardless because of his adlibs, so to highlight Jongho's highs and Seungmin's cozy-by-the-fire mids was genius, and really made this song one of the two I actually have watched offline (along with Wonderland, because hello). I feel so bad for Inseong that I actually can't watch the re-plays of that section. He took on so much and then felt like he'd let the group down, so the fact that they didn't score well must have felt like it was totally him, but it was so NOT, it was that Mayfly couldn't have been better. I'll also say that New is awesome; he's both underappreciated and well-represented here; he has such a unique sound and tone that often gets sidelined. I'm going to be that one outlier that says I didn't love this SKZ performance. There was a lot to love here, it just didn't resonate with me. It felt like there were too many things trying to be one whole (there's another team that suffers the same way for me, but no spoilers to the next episode), and while so many of the individual elements were clever -- like the fact that the subway was actually inside that ending bus, and just opened up for filming, then closed for that reveal -- I just didn't feel it. Maybe, too, there were so many versions that they had done of Gods Menu that this felt like "just" another version for me. I'm sure Lisa was thrilled to know that two of their songs made the show, and I'm sure she had fun celebrating/watching with Chan. That it all led to interactions with Ryan Reynolds and Ryan sending Chan a birthday gift and everything is just spectacular as an outcome. I'll say that I do miss the member reactions in favor of the edit because they're so much fun, but I know it makes the episodes 900 years long when you watch both the reaction and full versions each time. Anyway, glad you liked this episode, and I'm looking forward to the next to see what you think of everyone else's performances!

Eva Minster

The Mayfly vocal team killed it. I felt really sorry for The One team for not winning a single round. Just a warning if you haven't reacted to the next episode yet, ATEEZ performs a song of theirs that you haven't reacted to yet. So I'm not sure if you guys will want to listen to the original version first.

Kiki Meowzilla

Hi Guys, not sure if anyone has mentioned but SKZ ( Ateez as well) have behind the scenes of all their kingdom stages and how they developed them on their own youtube channels. I think you all will enjoy watching the production and recording of these performances. I highly recommencd you watch them whether for reaction or on your own time they really add a lot to these performances. This is the link to the first SKZ intro stage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuhtNou9fLo and this is the link to this episode, which if you cant watch all of them I highly recommend this one cause it really showed so much of the making of everything which was all the more impressive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBOdhW6LOBE&list=PLtFPYOZOw-tYWc652owhDGjsYpVF2u2aX&index=4 As always this was great!


I mean, if Deja Vu vampire ATEEZ want to come extend my life, I'd happily sit through several 900-year-long episodes... just my take. I'm almost at the point of not being able to re-watch Inseong here, too. I have considered looking away the past 2 reactions I've watched, and I seriously may have to do it next time because the sob-fest I went through yesterday was no joke.


Definitely rewatch that performance now with the interrupting clips... it is really darling how Mayfly outside members respond to that song!!

Handsome Sausages

We DID see it XD (also noted that the edited version with reactions weren't that bad for SKZ stage which made us sad cuz the version we watched was kinda low quality :(.. )

Handsome Sausages

We actually agree :( We tried it because we were told it may be too distracting but honestly, right after checking the full version with the reaction (on our own time) we thought it's not at all that bad for this episode ... we'll be back for the reaction included versions for next episodes!! :)

Handsome Sausages

We agree :') def going for reaction included ones from now on, no matter how repetitive and distracting it may be for some - we don't, or at least I (d'some) don't mind it at all for this particular show.

Handsome Sausages

We actually have easier time just watching the full thing instead of going back and forth between edited and unedited, and we did check out the performances WITH reactions after recording this - and we thought it's TOTALLY fine (if anything, better for some emotional delivery) so we're DEF going back to it from this point on :)

Handsome Sausages

Thank you!! We're actually gon post a poll asking about this and more soon so we'll keep this link in mind :)


Thank you for linking them! And I agree, it would be great if they could react to that as well :) watching the bts brings they're Kingdom stages to a new level of appreciation


So happy to hear that! You guys missed Wooyoung calling Felix his son in the reaction to God's Ddu-du ddu-du which I personally think is iconic after they bonded so much in Mayfly dance performance :)

Michele Wang

hahahaha Stray Kids didn't have to call someone in.....but in the end, their performance DID call someone in afterward, because, as a result, Channie and Ryan Reynolds became friends. They've met a couple of times, and they've exchanged gifts and tweets.


Mayfly's vocal team Seungmin, Eunkwang, and Jongho are amazing vocalists. Ofc song selection was great but they deliver it brilliantly. But many people didn't realize Seungmin's vocal was this good before Kingdom. He didn't have many lines until 2021, so you'll definitely hear more of Seungmin's vocals starting from Noeasy album. Also, his Leemujin service performances were amazing and he has 2 solo songs, Here always and Close to you. 2 Kids Show Han and Seungmin's vocal performances were also legendary.


my reaction afterf watching gods menu x ddududdudu was the same

Samantha Whaley

I cry a little bit at Mayfly's love poem every time.


Wait, we never found out who won the dance round?