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This was GOOD. Did not disappoint at all (oh boy are we ready for the next song, 19 at all)

In short, well, here's a video that made us realllly want to dissect and analyze. 

Let us know what you thought about Chronosaurus when you first heard it, and please do answer some of our questions especially regarding other videos so we may give this one another go and talk more about it! 

We'd love to keep this conversation going! :D

Enjoy <3



OHHH I remember when the album teaser thing was out for this! I instantly fell in love with this song


stopped watching handsome sausages to watch handsome sausages (i love good timing) ANYWAYS AHHHH my favourite skz song. i remember rewatching the mv over and over when it first dropped. the mv is so simple but is still my top fav. 🫡 the song is just very satisfying to me… esp that bridge. thank u for the hard work 🤍🤍🤍


they have unfortunately never performed this live properly 💔 it’s one of those songs they 🥲 ignore 🥲


I love this song! Also, if we're talking dinosaurs: did you guys ever read Dinotopia?


This is one of my favorite songs of theirs. And you are right, everything is time related. And they did named it starting from the dinosaur you've mentioned and the Greek god of time Chronos. Here are the clock time meanings: 12.19. - JYP announces SKZ will debut as 9 members 01.08 - Mixtape, SKZ pre-debut EP, is released 03.25 - SKZ official debut 08.01 - SKZ fandom is officially named STAY Regarding the meaning of the song Chan said that, while he was writing ‘Chronosaurus’, he thought a lot that time is something that has a lot of pressure attached to it. Even when you’re taking a test there’s always a time limit, or when you’re working there’s always a deadline. He also said he would love to have a superpower that could control time because then he could do whatever he wanted. But, as time is not something you can stop, you might as well get comfortable with it. Try to take some of the pressure off it. As for the keys, you are going to see them as a repeating motif throughout the whole Cle. Thank you for your reaction 🤗


Changbin said the original title of the song was time beast. They named it Chronosaurus, combined Chrono and the scary reptile kronosaurus that I believe was found in Australia. So it's like their scared of the time running fast..Found this video of them explaining it. https://youtu.be/dgjuOb3YN0A?si=N_SIDA_ykjLUV-rg

Ariana Pinedo

I LOVE THIS SONG!!! It’s been one of my favs ever since I heard it for the first time. There’s just something about it that’s just so satisfying to listen to. I remembered Skz did a talk show where they talked briefly about the song title and you guys are spot on (Changbin also speaks English for a little bit!): https://youtu.be/dgjuOb3YN0A?si=6-2ymOF41sGUTPvg I don’t believe there’s an official performance video for this, though they did perform it at fan meet before that you can find on YT. Thank you for your reaction :)


The way i had chills THE ENTIRE time i was watching this. Everyone sounds so amazing on this. I only figured out 1 clock. The 3:25 one showing their debut day. So i love the comment up here that broke down the other clocks. But this song is so mesmerizing. And im glad you guys enjoyed it. There really isn't to much more about the video which is why some STAYs say that it is criminally underrated (which it is). But this also sets up 19 nicely as well and i cant wait for that reaction. These two songs were immediate favorites. Miroh as a whole is an album that is so hard to top (until one of their later albums but even then its bcuz its a full album versus just 8 songs). Thank you for starting my morning off right 🤗


This song is underrated and very unique. As said in another comment the time stamps on the clocks are dates. For me simply put - time is a monster. I feel the song can be relatable seeing how everyone is on their own “race” with time. Love this song a lot and I listen to it frequently. I always wonder if it was released at a later time would it have been more popular. I wish they would preform this live. Their live vocals would be amazing. Here is a fan meet link - this is Lee know focused - worth a listen. There’s not a lot of this song unfortunately https://youtu.be/v7EgCWYyf8E?si=gmq5Wawsw99ZW0O8

Pauline R

Chronosaurus is one of my all time favourites so I'll always be open to talk about it for hours hehe. Like other comments said, it has that idea of time being a beast (a dinosaur) and chansing after us and yes the clock times refer to actual dates. The intrumental of that song is fascinating to me, I'm always drawn in when it comes up on my playlist. It's horribly underrated and barely spoken of since its release but man do I like that song. It'd be amazing to have it performed... anyway. Can't wait for 19!


When you asked for more videos about this song (lives, dance practices, etc) I internally cried cuz skz ignores the existence of this song and doesn’t have any of those things. 😭 Chronosaurus is and always will be my number one song. It was the 3rd skz song I ever heard (after miroh and victory song) and because of Seungmin and woojins duet in the bridge, I stanned. I had this song on repeat for weeks lol. It’s so hauntingly beautiful and I can’t think of any other song quite like it.

Tristana Keauna

Yay, I've been so excited for this one!! Vocally, it's just amazingly put together. It's simple with the overlapping harmonies etc, but it doesn't take away from the moody feeling of the song. Just one of my favorites to sing along with (butchering the pronunciation for sure). I really love the overlaid clock gears (?) over the members when they sing, they did a great job of letting each member shine in different ways (that low tone on Changbin hits like a brick), which I'm sure wasn't easy with 9 members. Sorry if I rambled haha, it's just hard to put into words why this song is so amazing, beyond, this song is amazing haha. Can't wait for the next one!

Tess Huber

This is the Skz song that calls to me the most consistently which is saying something since I adore their entire discography. There's a desperate yearning to the song that reminds me of how I feel when I lose track of the passing of time and have an existential crisis about it.

Sam w

I LOVE this song. The heavy synthetic, the vocals (felix and changbin growling under the higher vocal line), Chan and Leeknows gorgeous high part... also, the music video is fascinating. The contrast between the lyrics all about running and time catching up, but the entire mv they're all stuck sitting... it's so good. I would love to see your take on the lyrics. I sadly don't know of any performance video off the top of my head, so hopefully someone else has some recommendations! Otherwise I'd say try a lyric video?


I think 19 will be the vibe you guys have been waiting for/expecting. Han wrote it about his personal feelings as opposed to how he writes things like School Life, so the lyrics are pretty meaningful. Really love every reaction so much please never stop lol I’ve already commented about Chronosaurus before so I’ll just leave it at this 👍

Tracey Okeby Lucan

This is my third Fave skz song ever. I can’t articulate why.

Star Dust

This is a top 10 SKZ song for me. ❣️


Also another fun fact, eventually you WILL see running from a dinosaur 😆 I’m not gonna tell you when though lol it’ll be something to look for in the future 👀

Estelle S

I love this song so much!! It is so underrated, but I'm so glad you guys got to watch it!! I do recommend finding an OT8 lyric video maybe?


When I first heard this song, I was kinda meh about it. But I never skipped it on my playlist and over time (heh) I grew to absolutely love it. For me personally, Changbin's voice going so low just hits different. As so many others already poured over the meaning, I thought I'd bring up a fun fact about the track itself. It wasn't produced by SKZ. Another producer brought several tracks to them to see if they were interested in any and they decided to pick this one up and not even ask for any changes to it. Which I guess is something that can happen? I'm not in the music industry so I just found it all fascinating. I do not know if they did any additional arrangements to it, but the track itself is so good and 3Racha saw it's potential immediately. It does make me wonder if that's why they don't perform it live though, because they didn't make the track itself at first.


this is (if you can't tell from my username) one of my all time favorite szk songs


When I heard this song it reminded me this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I647GU3Jsc Natural-Imagine Dragons And I found the best mash-up ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRp7TiU-hCc :)