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You know, we know, Lee Know will be fine. But Lee Know, we love you. Stay strong.

:')......That's it.




It's 2am and yes, I'll watch this now. PS.: just to let you know, the kids are putting another album out on Nov. 10th so y'all have more content to go through in the future 😆


In the beginning where they are practicing in front of Chan, Chan being upset with Han (where he didn't finish the dance well - they looked tired, etc.), the extra angst was actually part of a prank on Han. They just didn't show the rest in this episode I think (or possibly it's shown a little at the end in the ending credits part) where Han was sitting a bit dejected on the floor, and then they come out with a birthday cake to surprise him. The editing really made it look like Chan was super upset (more than called for imo). I mean, he did want to impress on them the importance and such, but the context was taken slightly out since this was also part of a prank. Side note - you mentioned they had the font ready (for Stray Kids logo), it's Chan's handwriting. When they came up with their name, he wrote that and it was used as their logo then. Jeongin is actually the middle child in his family. He has an older brother and a younger brother. But he definitely feels more like a hyung than a maknae in the group! He can feel more mature than the others sometimes.

asja cambiganu

Rewatching this after being aware that Lee Know went back home in the rain because he thought he wasn't worthy to take a taxi after the elimination is twice hurtful (sorry if i made some mistakes, i'm Italian and i don't have any chances to speak in English)


I did think of them when i saw the announcement 😹🤣


I can't watch it just yet bcuz I'm getting ready for work and there isn't enough time BUT that just means i have something to look forward to when i get off. Even tho i know im gonna SOB!


funnily enough (not really) but minho became my bias just before this and then BAM. eliminated. i wanted to murder jyp right there and then LMFAOO


coming back after watching the video and it's such a bittersweet chapter, we get to see stages and how they are preparing but also Lino's elimination still hurts even though we all know how it ends lol. Can't wait for next one!! Thank you!!!


also the longlist of skz content for yall just increased by another 8 songs LOL🫡 but im so excited for comeback ahh


It’s funny how you said they should be the one judging JYP at 40:07, since there’s this particular interview with JYP and skz where they got to collab in their japanese track ‘all in’ and JYP said that he was really careful/scared when he showed 3racha the track that he made since they might reject it hahaha. He then said thankfully they liked it and made it better😂


When I first started following SKZ, I (and as I found out later, many others) didn't really like Lee Know as much. He didn't really stand out and sometimes even seemed like he didn't want to be there. I read that many other people thought he was very cold and mean in personality. However, when I watched this survival show my opinion completely changed. It became clear that he cares very deeply about his team members and his way of showing affection can be seen as mean, but it comes from a good place and I'm pretty sure the members know that. I can't imagine how tough this performance must have been for Minho. He had the shortest trainee period (only about 2 weeks-1 month I believe) and while he had a lot of dancing experience, as a backup dancer. That is a completely different thing to being an idol. As a backup dancer (correct me if I'm wrong, Im not a dancer myself, but I just imagine its different) you're meant to be in the background and not draw attention to yourself but to compliment the main stars. I imagine switching from that to being in the spotlight can be really hard on your confidence. I am glad I saw this only after I knew SKZ as they are now, because we can all agree that LeeKnow more than deserves his spot in the team. Through seeing a lot of Behind the Scenes I got to see his personality bloom and the real Lee Know come out. I agree with you guys completely on how SKZ's personalities are all so impressive. To their fans, to their members, their staff. Sometimes you may wonder if it's faked, but I don't think this level of care can be faked. They really are the sweetest and I think it is one of the main reasons why they have such a huge following. Yes Their music is amazing, but people keep coming back and watch their stuff because they truly feel like a sort of "family".


I love the ending commentary 😭 that is exactly how I felt about stray kids when I first discovered them too! Never wanted to go down the rabbit hole, but in the end I did it anyway because I thought about how much I wanted to be friends with them 🤣


I agree a lot on the training period comment. The one who receive more praise are the members who have been training for 2 years at least, while Lee Know has just started. And he already was good enough :)


StrayKSubs is incredible. I watch all their SKZ content, because the subtitles are well done. Ah, Lee Know. My first thought when I watched this was, "he's their dance teacher". I don't know the name of the variety show I.N. went on after debut (it was Trot). They asked why he would go on the program being a debuted artist. He said the company didn't understand why he lacked confidence. REALLY?! You break his confidence, then wonder why he doesn't have any.


Also, I think that's why Stay are so protective of Stray Kids. They are a family. Bang Chan really is the best leader.


Aish...it still hurts. Like i know they end up okay but it REALLY hurts. I pretty much sobbed throughout the entirety of the next episode. It is truly so easy to fall in love/like with Stray Kids. And i was so confused for a second when Han-C called them hyungs, I asked out loud "well how old are they?!" 😹 but once you explained it i understood.


As Selande mentioned above, Jeongin is actually a middle child of 3 boys. The other members siblings are as follows: Woojin - has 1 older brother Bang Chan - Has 2 younger siblings, Hannah and Lucas. Hannah has actually released her own music and you might be interested in checking her out. Minho - Only child, but he has 3 cat siblings Soonie, Doongie and Dorie Changbin - Has an older sister Hyunjin - Only child, but has a dog sibling Kkami Han - Has one older brother Felix - is the middle child, he has an older sister Rachel and a younger sister Olivia. (Fun fact, Olivia and Hannah became friends because of Stray Kids.) Seungmin - Has one older sister. If you are so inclined to check out Hannah's music, you can watch her MV for "perfect blues" and the performance video for "OLeander" here: https://youtu.be/M-9PLDrC_vQ?si=N37nNuHkAJfNodIV https://youtu.be/dybFUHCt0UE?si=uFEs_7cLEhkqkhHb SHE'S SO GOOD!!


I've been dipping in and out of these early episodes of the survival show as I've already seen them, but I was never able to finish it on my own, so I'm hoping, as you said, that it'll be easier to do so with company! The eliminations are hard enough to watch on their own, but harder still knowing Chan's history with losing trainee friends, both because they debuted ahead of him and because they were cut or dropped out. If you ever felt like reacting to it, there's a really fantastic interview Chan and Felix do with Eric Nam on the Daebak Show where they go into that part of their respective histories, and it's very moving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrFzn0sUetw

Handsome Sausages

I WAS gon ask, because I recall Han actually fighting back but they just didn't even show it so I assumed something's up with this whole situation. Hmm I wonder why they didn't reveal the prank or anything in this episode..could totally be taken out of context XD or perhaps we'll see it down the road like you say - ending credit, whatever that may be. We will be 👀

Handsome Sausages

ohhh boy are we ready for the next episode :[ Hahahaha yeh it's a Han-C thing but also, a Korean thing as I've seen MANY Koreans do the same (as a joke of course)


This show is from my knowledge the only time we see Lee Know cry. We’ve seen his eyes get a little watery but never enough where a tear is shed except for this show. I fully believe it’s out of spite as if Minho subconsciously (or purposely) made some kind of pact where he was like I will never let JYP catch me crying ever again I will never let him see my tears he does not deserve it. And I aspire to be like you saw me cry once and I will never let you see that again. Also Stray kids are just so easy to love every single one of them are so lovable and funny and cute. Also when you guys mentioned how mature Han is it’s really interesting because Han is in the maknae line he’s less than 5 months older than Jeongin but because he didn’t finish school and instead got his GEDs he spent a lot of that time with 3racha (Han was Chan’s first Stray Kid) and is the maknae of 3racha but spent a lot of it with older idols I think a lot of that is why he’s seems so mature plus if I remember correctly if he hadn’t gotten into JYP and debuted his parents we’re gonna make him go back to Malaysia and give up on being an idol. And just look at them now. I’m so proud of how far all of them have come.

Sam w

Han is such an interesting case, cause he has that artificially mature thing going that a lot of kids who grew up outside their home culture have, but he also was such a little shit pre-debut! fought with basically everyone, put that *questionable* song on the internet, was super argumentative... and now he's such sweetheart. I love him!

Sam w

I have to work so hard to step back and take JYP's comments and critiques as potentially helping the guys succeed. Every part of me just gets so mad at him for not appreciating them. Like IN's a baby! He's a baby and he's doing this well! Stop being mean!!! but then the company can't debut someone who's just not there yet, so I get it, but I still want to slap the man. dick. JYP aside, these early episodes are so hard to watch. I feel so bad for the boys, they're working so hard and they're so scared. I wonder if they ever come back to the show and appreciate how far they've come, or if they just sort of pretend it never happened...

Michele Wang

Jeongin has an older brother. He's a middle child.

Tracey Okeby Lucan

Oooops I suddenly love them? Yes this is exactly what being Stay is like.

Estelle S

I honestly hope they come back to this show - just once - to see how far they've all come. ESPECIALLY now with Rock-Star out and gaining traction!! STRAY KIDS EVERYWHERE ALL AROUND THE WORLD!! :D

Estelle S

Yes, I agree! It was a curiosity "Who sings this Case 143 song from this MV?" for me and now I'm 2 albums, merch, and I don't know how many photo cards in!! I love them like family because I think they treat us like family:) Also - I have wondered why I've not really liked Glow as a song... I think I agree with you, Tracey, in that I subconsciously must associate it with this part of the show... :')

Isabel Cortes

This is why I love you guys. I have found my people who are just as invested in these super ridiculously talented boys (now men) ❤️

Tricee XO

Re-watching this doesn’t make it easier. I still cried for Lee Know the same way I did the first time I watched the show. I can only imagine how hard it must’ve been for them mentally, emotionally and physically. I’m just so proud of them for what they’re accomplishing now. I’ll always support them and they’ll always have a piece of my heart 🥰

Jan 잔

I.N is actually very assertive and blunt, in the early days we rarely saw that side of him. The hidden savage in the group. His smile is the best!