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Click here (stash link) >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/dkndmdpp

Password >>> kazutrashisf80sdfisdcashbody

Sorry to distract you from your voting, but I thought I'd give you a quick glimpse of the most basic of basic versions of Darkness! There's still more work to do, but I have the majority of stuff in place. How does she look? As expected? Have I sullied the character? Can you sully a character who revels in being tarnished? Lemme know!

Considering how complicated all her bits are, she's not gonna move as much as Tifa did. Instead, I'm gonna focus on jokes and reactions, which appear to be this character's forte. Should be fun! Of course, there's those expansions to do, too... :3

Um, what else? Oh yeah, her eyes act a bit weird. Even when they're meant to stay upwards, they sometimes revert back to rolling left and right. In a way, it kind of works, but I'll try to iron that out. Not game destroying, but annoying (IMO)!

If all goes well, I hope to have it done in 2-3 days. And yes, you will get to see her belly properly. Sometimes you have to build up to these things. :) Toodles! 




this has me hyped for the full thing


Not bad for a demo. Only small critic would be the top of the outfit that I find a little too straight. It would have been better if it had followed the curve of the stomach. Apart from that, the rest is great ^^.