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Accidental Surrogate Episode 3 - Vote!

  • Heavier than normal (ie. larger) babies 24
  • Babies have multiplied (like cell division I guess) 70
  • Polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid) 9
  • Superfetation (pregnant with babies at different states of progression) 25
  • Phantom pregnancy (a belly full of liquid and no babies) 9
  • 2019-06-10
  • —2019-06-17
  • 137 votes
{'title': 'Accidental Surrogate Episode 3 - Vote!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Heavier than normal (ie. larger) babies', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Babies have multiplied (like cell division I guess)', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'Polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Superfetation (pregnant with babies at different states of progression)', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Phantom pregnancy (a belly full of liquid and no babies)', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 17, 22, 59, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 10, 19, 55, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 137}


Here we go—the vote. Where does the story go next? That's up to you, you deviants. :3 

Here are your options explained in a bit more detail (plus a SUPER BONUS LAST MINUTE ADDITION): 

1) Janet's weight gain has caused the two babies to become much heavier / larger than normal

2) Janet's weight gain has caused the "not normal" babies to multiply, meaning she is now carrying four children of the same term. 

3) Janet's weight gain has triggered the condition  Polyhydramnios, which means there is an excess of amniotic fluid surrounding the babies, and she will measure much bigger than during a normal pregnancy (plus "a literal flood" will happen when her water breaks).

4)  Janet's weight gain has triggered the condition superfetation, where she continues to ovulate despite being pregnant, and is somehow pregnant with children at different stages of progression (eg. two kids are near to term, another one is halfway to term, another has only just been conceived)

5)  SUPER BONUS WOW Janet's weight gain has triggered a phantom pregnancy, meaning her womb is empty and all she is carrying is amniotic fluid. 

This seems to be one of those rare instances where all options are in the same ballpark. ^^ However, while it's a no-brainer that the Patreon Deluxe will be a combination of all of these things (!!!) and maybe Janet sex if I have time (!!!!!!!!), for the episode, only one will win. But which? Hmmm!

Anyway, enough rambling. Here's the question you need to answer:  Janet's mistake in following the diet has affected her pregnancy in a strange way. But how? 

If you have extra votes, let me know in the comments where you want them to go. Have fun! While you do that democracy thing, I'll go back to animating a certain masochist.



All votes on three


All my votes for superfetation Janet could be forever pregnant XD


Man I wish I hadn't mentioned superfetation, lol. Yeah it's a great concept but for Janet's story I think either option 1 or 2 would fit the canon more precisely. But it's not really my canon to decide upon, haha.


I think of these stories like Looney Tunes or Ren & Stimpy episodes: whatever happens in one episode (or series, in my case) stays in that episode. Sure, Janet can turn into an alien hive queen, but it won't carry over. Even if that would be fun... hmm... Besides, if you're voting, it's your canon now. :3


Man, this is kinda win-win situation for me :) but I'm going to vote anyway... all my votes on polyhydramnios, pretty please!


Anything as long as it's Big belly expansion, huge belly. 😊

Amelia Redfern

All my vote on heavier babies!


Heavier babies for the win. This is part of what I really like about Kompera Klause's stories, incidentally.