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Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/as2dmees

Password >>> d83mfu7d3Dc

Link to file with password embed >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/as2dmees?password=d83mfu7d3Dc

Quick demo of the first animation to be exclusively focused on Ginny Peter-Smyth, as voted on by you! Word of warning about the demo—it ends before any preggo tum is visible, so don't go in expecting the good stuff just yet! However, a slender belly is visible multiple times, so that may whet your beaks until the final animation is done. I hope you enjoy it!

(I kinda wonder why I do so many story parts and don't just focus on bellies. Try as I might to start with bellies from the get-go, I can't bring myself to do it >_<) 

See you in a bit!




Yes the return of Ginny my waifu

Robinhood Loki

I cant believe she did that I thought she was going to break it but okay I like how this is going

Robinhood Loki

I can't wait for this to come out

Robinhood Loki

I know this Is Patreon but This is your game it wouldn't make sense if we jump to the fapping material quickly that's why we have other games for that to occupy us and maybe in the first game we could see it pr 2nd game

Robinhood Loki

I made so many comments but I'm just so excited I love how mark is handling all this and watch them fight

Robinhood Loki

Thanks man and my birthday coming up * dab dab* can u wish me brotha it would make my day even bettah


More like "Completely Premeditated Surrogate", but I wholeheartedly approve!


lets hope she is carrying 10 or more


Criying Janet make my heart broken :(


I doubt it, as even Janet's not that baby crazy! But maybe I can sneak in an edit for the Deluxe with that many babies...


Ahhhhh😢 oh well. I would like thag in a delux version then. I just want as big a belly as last one or bigger. Lol


That's fine. Lol it's your animation I'll enjoy it either way.


Still think we should get to see Mark pounding a very pregnant Janet...


i want to see both pregnant


Well I did put a story idea in that featured both of them pregnant at the same time, but it didn't win :( Maybe next time!