Spiteful Surrogate - Ginny Peter-Smyth Pregnancy Expansion Animation (Exclusive until Deluxe is finished) (Patreon)
Link to file >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/sspreganme
Password >>> cm2s5Xd2dvl
Link to file with password embed >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/sspreganme?password=cm2s5Xd2dvl
YouTube >>> https://youtu.be/Dbj0-_eV-Q8
Mega >>> https://mega.nz/#!VAoUES6C!Ezx5n9xbVnuzU4h_3HawI_l3HsIPCBC-xQ27QFyTVCs
Here it is—the first part of Ginny Peter-Smyth's first animation, dedicated to her! Despite her being introduced before Janet, it's taken this long for me to use her (and also other people either paying me or voting for her to make it lol). I am a terrible creator. I blame her hair: her gradient hair is pretty, but awkward to work with in an animation setting...
Hope you enjoy! The Deluxe will feature more detailed examinations of that belly, and potentially more, depending on what time I have available. I'll be getting to work on that tomorrow, and it shall be done before the end of the month, hopefully not at the last second. >>