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My last post shared some of my progress on revising the Day Two chapter of Letters From Space Camp and now I have the first batch of inked pages to share with you! For fun, you can open up the first draft of Day Two in a separate window side-by-side with this one and compare the differences in these first five pages ;)

Each Friday I'll post that week's worth of inked pages here- at least, that's my plan. The new Day Two chapter is 22 pages (originally 16 in the first draft), which means that if I stick to this Friday update schedule, hopefully I'll have this whole fucker inked in the next three-ish weeks? I dunno, man. BUT I'MMA TRY.

Once this chapter is inked, then I just need to polish up my outline of the whole story and then I guess this project is ready for my agent to pitch it to publishers? Maybe??? I probably have to write some kind of cover letter or something. Oh, and Matt might color my inks? But we'll see if he has time. 

Tell me:

What have you been working on this week? (Or in general)




Advocating for work-life balance for myself and my team (grandboss now gave an okay to hire two more people!), conspiring with the database person to update workplace’s database despite some oldies insisting on trans erasure (the age-old sex vs. gender issue, f**k all who insist they’re the same, this is a hill I’d die on), trying to save my garden from a new wave of bugs who aren’t fazed by marigold scent (rosemary oil spray seems to be working for now), and revisiting an illustration of a demon healer and a battle angel for a friend’s short novel I drew 5 years ago to show myself how much my skills have improved. Been a busy but productive week.

Jaeger Spratt

Oh! This weekend my partner and I finished the main edits to his manuscript for the new anthology of short horror stories we'll be publishing in September. It's now all printed out in a hefty stack of pages for him to read through as a hard copy and make his final edits before we call it done. And I'm working on inking his illustrations for the stories, 8/12 done! It's been exciting seeing these pieces finally all coming together and the finish-line feeling reasonably close, he started writing the first drafts of these stories in December. Congrats on getting things moving along on your book as well! These pages are looking great :)