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As explained in the last post, I'm editing and inking the Day Two chapter from Letters From Space Camp. For fun, compare the first draft of the chapter with these finished-ish pages below!

I'm almost halfway done inking this chapter! (Once I finish inking page 11, then I'll be halfway through) Here's my little progress chart to track my progress on penciling, inking, and coloring the revised pages:

Years and years before she moved to France to work in animation, Natalie Nourigat was my studiomate at Helioscope- which is where she showed me this technique she uses for tracking the status of her comics pages. Whenever I have a long-form project with multiple stages, I draw up a little grid and think of Tally each time I get to fill in another box of accomplishment :3



Jaeger Spratt

Nice!! Hurray for progress!

The Ferret

This is the nice thing about going on holiday, you get to come back to so many great posts! These look so polished and good. I think I said it before, but I agree with you, I wish I could be as brave as her.