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Getting back into the swing of things with these updates, bear with me here.

Hello folks!

It's been a few months (oi vey, a quarter of a year already!?) since I did a proper Update. Since I'm so behind on things, I'm going to use a lot of Subheadings to break things down. I'll start with the This Month stuff, and then backtrack from there.

What's Happening This Month on Patreon

Well, first off I am super appreciative to announce that OnlyFans Girl has a new Patron Saint, which means I'll be kicking off this month with an OFG Week. There were fears that we might end up seeing a downturn in OFG production, but that is no longer the case!

Beyond that fantastic news, I'm really happy to say that the new Side Story Sponsor tier has kicked off strong and filled up for this first month in a couple of hours, and there's already been discussion going on. It looks like we're definitely going to see some Unexpected Affection chapters, some more D&D Group chapters, and a start to Masseur and the Milf 2.

Tentative Writing Schedule

1st Week of April: OFG Week, starting tomorrow-Saturday

2nd Week of April: Sponsor Week (UA, D&D, MatM2)

3rd Week of April: FoF and QTNW

4th Week of April: Housekeeping work (AMA/OFG compiled bundles), maybe some more D&D chapters or something else on my mind

There will also be a Le Francais release in there somewhere.

General Patreon Update

This is more of an 'a place for Break to rant about something Patreon Related' section because some of y'all find this stuff interesting rather than an Update per se.

Last Year we ended April with 422 members of this community, and this April we're starting with 761! That's a pretty awesome amount of growth in 12 months when I look at it like that.

The thing is, when I look at the trends, two things stick out to me.

1) The larger the Patreon gets, the larger the 'drop' is every month on turnover. We were up around 840 at the end of March - I know some of you folks are managing Subscription issues by just cancelling and re-upping every month, but that seems to be getting less common now. Seeing those numbers change on the 1st of the month is one of those 'Well, Fuck... time to try and fix that!' in a Sisyphean sort of way.

2) The numbers have actually been fairly stagnant since the start of the year. I'm not sure if this is because of something different I've been doing (maybe missing these updates?) or something Economy-wise. Patreon removed the Exit Surveys for some reason - not that they were very useful most of the time - and I never want anyone to feel like they should feel bad about needing to prioritize their own budgeting over supporting me, but I wish I could KNOW what it is, hahaha. Maybe I need to dive back into Reddit and hit up the HaremLit/RomanceforMen subreddits that seemed to dislike me last time.

Either way, a healthy business is one that's growing. I'm hoping the new tier will help with that, but I also need to make sure I'm releasing more of the content in more places.

The good news is that, for the past couple of months, I haven't hated the back end of Patreon as much in the first few days of the month! Last year there were more than a few that had me banging my head against the wall for how their system would break. Now it seems to be running a little smoother... other than when they disappeared all of the funds from February, but I got that fixed (only took a week of emailing with support :/ All is good now.)

Updates on Series

I figure it's worth it to just get a list out there, for you guys and for myself, about what's going on with the different stories and series. Presented in alphabetical order so as not to suggest priority:

  • Afterparty: The Bully Epilogue: On the sponsor list

  • AMA: The Boyfriend: Hiatus for another couple of months before I start working on Arc 2

  • Erection of the Runelords: On the Sponsor list.

  • Font of Fertility: Actively being worked on

  • Le Francais: Actively being worked on, big thanks to ThL!

  • Love Cruise: On the Sponsor list. Haven't heard from commissioner in months.

  • Masseur and the MILF 2: On the sponsor list

  • OnlyFans Girl: Actively being worked on, has a Patron Saint again!

  • Porcelain 2: On the Sponsor list

  • QT: Florida Man: On the Sponsor list. I still like the concept, but it got buried behind other priorities.

  • QT: Nashville: On the sponsor list. (What's this, you might be asking? Alpha Reader tier can see the start of it, much work left to go on it though)

  • QT: North West: Actively being worked on

  • Single Parent Pal-entine's Sequel: Hiatus for now, will eventually hit the Sponsor list

  • Unexpected Affections: On the Sponsor list. Haven't heard from the original commissioner in months.

  • Untitled D&D Group Story: Actively being worked on, still needs a title

  • CLOSED STORIES: Afterparty: Backyard Games, Double or Naked, Dungeon Building: A Bugbear, Technically We're Still Engaged, Triple-Blonde Study

Character Art Updates

Bayushi is hard at work on Becks for the March release, but he's a working artist and I am but one small client compared to some of the other work he's shared with me that he does in the non-NSFW space. A poll for this month's character will be going up this week!

Also, I'm always on the lookout for talented artists who are Open for commissions AND have a price point that makes sense for me to commission at. If anyone has a favourite artist that has a Twitter I should follow to watch for, let me know!

Other Project Updates

Along with the series, there has been various talk about other projects here on the Patreon, and I haven't given an update on them recently so here's the skinny:

The Anthology: Authors are, in fact, cats. Difficult to herd, easily distracted, and tough to communicate with in large groups. I still really want to make this project happen! But I too am a cat, and a cat herding cats is even worse than a regular person because I have all the same issues. One (count 'em, one) author actually finished their story from the list of 9 I started out with. I blame myself for poor communication and leaving folks to their own devices more than anything, and want to get this project back on track.

The Illustrated Novella: Bayushi and I have gotten the character concept art nailed down for this project, and it's now waiting for me to finish the story before we start looking at the illustrations. That means carving out writing time from other projects though!

The Comic: We hit the milestone for the sexy comic, and I've started looking at ideas - the problem is, writing a sex comic is actually kind of hard. I've written comic scripts before, and some of them were pretty good in my opinion, but an Erotica comic? Packing in the plot and making the sex feel natural is warring with the limited space. I need to allow myself to be a bit more Porn-Minded than for most of these stories to make progress on this. I also kind of feel like I need to get the Illustrated Novella running more before I do polls for this.

Personal Update

Two big things going on in my life right now.

Thing 1) Winter did not help with losing weight. I'm going to be entering a bet here soon now that the weather has gotten better though; a (healthy) weight loss bet. With who, you might ask? A friend? Another author? No. My mother. We both need to lose weight - I probably have more I need to lose, but she's older (obviously) so I should be able to overcome this disadvantage XD. The bike is coming out of the shed, the tires are getting pumped, and I need get my legs pumping again before I look at more serious workouts.

Thing 2) I am going to need to move this summer, and the search has already begun. Dealing with banks and financial stuff is a general stressor for me even if things are OK, so I can derailed for half a day when I need to handle stuff around it. Not great for the workflow, but it needs to get done and I'm an Adult, God Damn It. Still, at some point in the next few months, I'll probably need to take at least a few days off to handle the physical move.

Oh, and the real estate situation (buying or renting) in Canada is fucking ridiculous.

The Song in QT: North West

For those of you who have gotten this far, well, here's your reward.

The song Kyla played for Harri on the way to the Rez in Chapter 23 got a LOT of good guesses, but no one ended up earning the Internet Cookie.

"The chaos of a fast guitar. A guttural shout. The kick in of fast rhythm guitar and smashing drums. Another scream, isolated, and then thick and almost operatic vocals over a speeding rhythm.

She’d picked perfectly. Not trying to calm down my adrenaline, and nothing too on the nose. The song transitioned into almost a groove, then picked up again quickly. The organised chaos of the song was a match to how I was feeling. To the spiking of my emotions, but bringing me back to that central groove that let me think clearly. It was the same way a firefight was going to go. Moments of extreme violence interspersed with strange, almost uncomfortable calm.

I drove through the song, and it descended into its final driving beat that had me bobbing my head lightly as I glared out the front window. The final beat cut off into silence."

The Song was BYOB by System of a Down

I think that's more than enough ranting and raving from me for now.

Cheers all!



Title suggestion for untitled d&d story - how about 'Rhia's Game'? There must be other people with suggestions - a poll maybe?


I'm sad the new tier sold out so quickly! I didn't get a chance to sign up. (I guess that means you can charge more!) Will you add more slots at some point? And will the stories from that tier ever appear in Alpha so the rest of us can read them? If so, how long will that take?

Dennis Thoene

I will see you in 2 weeks


You said the song and the exact section that fits the criteria starts to play in my head. I slam my head against the table as i utter FUCK!!!!. So Fucking obvious now. Plus I have had the Mezmerize album playing on repeat back in the Pandemic when I had to take trips and had a CD player in my Car. Once again Well play


So I’ve been your Patreon supporter since before you even got things rolling in a more consistent fashion a little over a year ago. I’ve stayed because I enjoy your stories. A minor frustration is how many stories you have going now; another minor disappointment is how infrequently my favorite, FOF, is updated. I follow two or three other authors on Patreon, all of whom have primarily one main story that they are writing chapters for. Different authors, different approaches, who can say which is better? They seem to be doing really great… Tefler and Annabelle Hawthorne.


I'm not likely to raise the price any time soon, even if I 'could.' I think it's in a bit of a sweet spot at the moment. If the first month or two go well I may add some more slots; the key is that each spot is basically a full day+ of writing, and between OFG and the current Sponsors that's 2/4 weeks a month. FoF and QTNW take a week+, leaving just part of a week remaining to work on anything else. Chapters sponsored by folks go out to the appropriate tiers - Example: Unexpected Affection chapters will go out to everyone; Masseur and the MILF 2 will go to Alpha reader first.


*ACTIVATE NERDY STAT MINI-RANT* Seeing, and researching, how other Authors do their Patreons is a big part of keeping up to date on things and trying to figure out the best method for me. I've researched Annabelle before, and took another look; she definitely runs her Patreon different from mine! It looks like she only puts out 1-2 chapters of content a month, does more art stuff and some audiobook stuff, but charges less. (Also it looks like she mails out 'loyalty rewards,' and I just have this feeling folks trust a lady with their address faster than they trust a guy.) She also started back in 2018 (Jaysus!) and it took her about 3 years to get to the same spot we're at right now in about a year and a half - part of that is the market for erotica changing and Patreon becoming more popular and supported, and part of that is likely my multi-story approach bringing in more folks from different vectors instead of one series. I'd never looked at Tefler before, and it seems they've been going through some stuff so it's not really a great time to do an analysis of things on their Patreon. Beyond writers, I also research Artist/Comic patreons to see what's succeeding. There is a major gap between what a writer can do and an artist can do in terms of Social Media however, so it's a bit of comparing apples and oranges. One of my favourite artists only puts out 1 completed piece a month, plus a few sketches; 2000 members, but a very low price point. It's tough to figure out what makes the most sense!


Also, thank you so much for being a long-time supporter! Aug 2022 is right when I got things rolling, releasing the Afterparty chapters and getting back into FoF seriously. You are an OG of the Patreon Community for sure!


Yes, Tefler disappeared for about a year for who knows what exact reasons - he didn’t share details and I didn’t expect him to. But he seems to be back this past three months and consistently catching up with where he had promised he would be. If you are looking at his info, I would go back two years and then analyze all time before that to look at his trends up to that point. I think most of his community followed him here from Literotica. I’m really happy that the site is doing well for you! That’s why I stuck around in the hopes of seeing that!

s3x aholic

I guess my question pertains to OFG and I'm confused about how this all played out. Does having a patron saint mean that the reader tier will see updates for OFG, as it was previously? If not, what would be the delay between when they are released for the sponsor to when they are released here?


OFG has already been a Sponsored story. The Sponsor stepped away after a year and a half, so I needed to replace the income, but now someone else has stepped up to sponsor the story just like it was before. I'm finalizing the first release of 5 chapters right now, and we'll do 25 chapters by the end of the week to everyone. The Side Story Sponsor tier will release to everyone if they are mini-chapter style stories (like Unexpected Affection), or to Alpha Readers if they are larger one-shots that will need multiple entries to finalize them before going to everyone.


I know you have to manage life issues with Patreon to keep some of the more fickle(or just people who can't afford every month, no shame I'm almost there myself) members, but moving is INSANELY stressful and I think have a less frantic schedule around the move will lead to better mental health which will lead to less concern of a Break breakdown. So please, keep your mental health in line. You can make the Patrons back up, your work is amazing and the hardcore group will be here regardless. If your work starts to suffer and you have to take a week off for mental health instead of spreading it out to keep from getting that overwhelmed it will probably hurt things more. Just my opinion, of course, but I just want what is best for you. Hope suck as little as possible, Daukash

Don Alejo

B.Y.O.B. is on my workout playlist. I listen to it 3 times a week and have for at least a year. I feel like an idiot.


Well now that you say it's BYOB that makes perfect sense. Looking forward to more of the DnD story this month.


Oh, the move will definitely be planned for and the week around it will probably be announced here so that folks can expect less of me in the days leading up to/during/shortly after the move. Thank you so much for your concern though! The last time I did a big move was 7 years ago now, but that was cross-country instead of just one town/city over (though one place I'm looking at is down the street, ha!). I'll keep you all up to date on things so there aren't any surprises for me OR you!

Dennis Thoene

What are we getting this week?


I have had a ROUGH week unfortunately with Life Stuff, so writing was slow. New post up now, and more coming on the weekend, then FoF and QTNW for the last week of the month!