April Update for Free Members (Patreon)
Hello folks!
This is the first time I'm trying out sending an update to you fantastic folks who are Free Members - I wasn't really sure WHAT to do with the new feature, but I figured the least I could do was let you know what's coming down the pipe here in BreaktheBar land.
What's Happening in April
1st Week of April: OFG Week, starting tomorrow-Saturday. We have a new Patron Saint who is sponsoring the series, so 25 new chapters coming.
2nd Week of April: Sponsor Week. We have a new limited-seat Tier that allows folks the ability to sponsor works in non-core stories. This month it looks like we'll get some new Unexpected Affections, a start to Masseur and the MILF 2 (Big Titty Goth Edition), and some more chapters in a new limited series I started last month about a guy running a D&D Group for some college coeds that looks like it's going to get spicy.
3rd Week of April: New FoF and QTNW.
4th Week of April: Housekeeping work (AMA/OFG compiled bundles), maybe some more D&D chapters.
We'll also be getting Character Art for Becks from OFG to join John, Sabrina and Gemma, and holding a poll to see which character gets her visual debut next.
As always, all of the above stories and series will be released for free in the future, but if you want to stay as up-to-date as possible with our favourite characters the best place to do that is here on the Patreon.
Cheers, and have a great April!