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Hey folks!

This post is double-use; first, it's the release of the December2023/Jan-Feb2024 Character Art! We've got Sabrina, John and Gemma! 

The second use for this post is to collect all future OFG-related art here and keep it linked in the Master post and the collections tab.

Again, a big thanks to Bayushi6 for his work on these character references!




Can you make a post on how the OFG characters look relative to IRL people, like John looks like this celebrity and Sabrina like this and Gemma like this and so forth


I feel like that would ruin the point of commissioning original art if I just started saying "Sabrina looks like X Celeb, Gemma looks like Y Celeb."

Chris Ott

Gemma tho 🔥🔥🔥


Makes sense, cause another author who I follow does the x celeb thing and it adds a layer to imagining the characters but the commissioned thing works