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The content of this post has been removed for the time being as I, Break, make sure that the story fully complies with Patreon ToS and does not risk my platform. If this post has not been edited back into existence after some time, assume that the content has been made available in a larger bundle.

Sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully all will be righted soon.




Ch 29 Alpha took longer than I expected due to some family stuff going on here around Chez Break, but we've got the FoF release! Next up, QTNW!


Loved the chapter! Ghost Ninjas! Awesome! Not gonna lie, would have liked to see Jeremiah hook up Ariana Grande, but hey, that's me. Looking forward to more!


Thinking a way Jerry could boost his powers with his morality in check would be to impregnate women who cant have children but want to and would be good mothers and would let us see what a supercharged proactive Jerry could do 😁

Jim lynch

Loved the chapter it just seems to end too fast lol I hate waiting for the next instalment.


Which chapter had a shadowy thing that followed one of them while they were investigating George Stoker? I don't remember if it followed Jeremiah, or Annalise, or someone else, but I remember it crawling into their shadow.

Rick Shaw

please tell me Chapter 28 is coming soon!


Seems like a potential option, although my bet would be to combine the runes they used to draw power from others actions at the party with the continent scale earth changing artifacts to draw power from all sex acts performed in North America. Curious if Lindsay will come up with that at some point, as that could even the power scales a bit.


I do think that should be a long term plan but I suspect that if he's not nearby then the power draw would be very minimal. Even so, just getting runes up all over town and drawing power locally would probably be an appreciable bump for him. And when he goes to college, he can draw from that entire condo building at short range.


Love this series!


Great next step Break. Thank you. Was curious how you were going to expand the FoF "universe" in a way that pulled the family/friends/harem into it more fully. The "action" coming home was a great way to do it! Nicely done, and great cliff hanger setup (damn you, man, now I'm stuck waiting another month for the next resolution of the concept!!!) 😀 (Thomas Hardy and the other serial writers are doing the jealous "golf clap.") I very much appreciate your creativity. Thank you for a great story.


I would like to see his prime decide to take one for the team for a good reason. There is also the possibility of one of the other fertility seats “sabotaging” Jerry and turning his ‘ammunition’ ‘live’.

Chris Ott

Anybody heard anything from Break lately? They’ve gone AWOL for a little while which is unusual.


It was when Jerry was buying Anna and Maya a used truck in Arizona. I can't remember the specific chapter off the top of my head, but it was right at the end.


I am Alive! Sometimes writing, and life, keep me thinking "This should be done today." And then it isn't, and then it's three or four days later and I go "Well, Shit."

Chris Ott

Totally get it. Just wanted to check and make sure everything was ok!


So what was the "I'll be back" pun?