I have teeth now! (Patreon)
Two Tone pulled her motorcycle into the parking lot of a somewhat rundown strip mall in my Royal Equestria Security Forces (RESF) dreamscape. The afternoon showers that drenched Ft. Trotterdale everyday like clockwork had subsided awhile ago, but the storm drains in the parking lot apparently needed help because there was still a lot of standing water in places. The showers usually lasted for only 30 minutes or so, but when arrived it was often a deluge.
Finding a section of lot near her destination that wasn't too badly submerged the zebra parked her bike and removed her helmet. After stowing it in one her bike's locking panniers she looked at the somewhat faded sign which was the reason for this trip tonight.
Palm Paradise Dental and Hygiene Care.
Unzipping her jacket and discreetly adjusting her concealed holstered pistol, the zebra headed toward the front door. Technically it was after hours but Two Tone found the front door unlocked and the receptionist was still behind the desk. The slim male griffin looked around the flat screen monitor at her and smiled.
"Ah excellent!" He almost chirped in a high pitch voice. "You're right on time!" He rose from behind the desk and went and locked the front door behind her and then turned off most of the lights in the lobby area. "They're waiting in the back. Please follow me!"
The receptionist led the mare into the back of clinic and into the treatment area which had 2 obviously disguised changeling security muscle posted outside the door. Inside a very crowded room, and gathered around a very large, immovable dental chair was Chrysalis, 2 more of her security detail, a rather elderly griffin, and a pegasus filly who couldn't have be more than 9 years old. She was sitting in the patient chair and was randomly swinging her legs back and forth. The receptionist gesture for the zebra to enter and then he went back up front.
Still uncertain what exactly was going on Two Tone stepped into the room. Upon her entry the filly pointed at her and looked up at the Queen and exclaimed.
"Is dat her!"
Chrysalis smiled. "Yes Windward. That's th–"
Before the queen could finish the sentence the filly bolted out of the chair and raced over to wrapped her arms around Two Tone's waist and hugged her. After second she looked up into the mare's eyes while exclaiming.
"Thank ya fer yer help lady! I have teeth now!" She said this while flashing a big toothy grin at the zebra.
Two Tone looked up at the queen who nonchalantly waved a hand at the zebra. "She absolutely insisted on thanking you in person for getting the Synthetic Phoenix Blood for her. Link I told her you were very busy, but" The queen closed her eyes and made a dramatic shrug. "she's a stubborn one, and once she gets an idea in her head. Wwweelll there's no changing her mind about it."
It took a moment, but slowly the normal frown that inhabited the zebra's face started to break and the corners of her mouth started turning up into a little smile. Slowly Two Tone dropped to one knee and looked the filly in the eyes. "Yes do. You have some very nice teeth there!"
The elderly griffin smiled and spoke up. "She had her final treatment a couple of hours ago, and I am happy to report that she now has a complete set of healthy teeth again. Thank you ma'am for help in this matter! It has resulted in a very successful reconstruction!"
Two Tone looked back at the filly again who was still grinning at her. "So. You've got a complete set of teeth again?"
Windward nodded her head causing her somewhat frizzy deep green mane to bounce. "Yep!" She opened her mouth wide and started pointing a finger at her mouth. "Dis one! Dis one! Dis one over here and here! Um, dez two, and one way in da back! All new teeth!"
The zebra gave the pegasus an impish grin. "Did it hurt much getting new teeth?"
The filly closed her mouth again and shrugged. "It did, but not as bad as not having dem."
The dentist adjusted his glasses. "Windward was a very brave patient, and she went through the whole procedure very well!" He then looked sternly at the filly. "And you remember what I told you about taking care of them young lady?"
The filly looked up and over her shoulder at the griffin. "Yes sir! Brush and floss dem twice a day,and don't eat too much sweet stuff!"
The griffin smiled. "Very good. Now could you please come over here? There's one last thing I want to check and then you're good to go."
Windward gave Two Tone one last hug and then ran over to the griffin who started talking to her. As he did Chrysalis slowly walked over to Two Tone and made a gesture of her head that they should step out into the hallway. The zebra followed the queen half way down the hall where they stopped. The queen looked her in the eyes.
"Thank you for your help in this matter." The changeling looked back at the room they'd left. "It is true that Windward really wanted to meet you, but I agreed to it because I felt you needed to see fruits of your efforts first hand." Chrysalis looked back at Two Tone and grinned. "And from the smile on your face I think you needed to hear it yourself."
The zebra felt her cheeks start grow warm and she looked away. "Well it's good to know I am doing this for something other than just damn bits, and that it's not a waste of my fucking time." The scowl slowly returned to her face. "Also it's nice to know some foal won't not have to go through the shit I had to."
Chrysalis's expression grew more dour. "True. Okay this part of your assignment is over. Now. I want you to take the next couple days off and relax. You've earned it." Two Tone started to speak but the queen cut her off. "That's an order. We've still got a lot of work to do, and I can't afford to have you burn out right before the finish line." The queen looked Two Tone in the eyes. "Do you understand?"
Two Tone closed her eyes and once again smiled a little. "Understood your Majesty."
The queen nodded her head. "Very well. I need to finish up some final details here. I'll be in touch with you. Now get out of here, and have a good night."
She then promptly turned around and walked back into the treatment room. Two Tone watched her leave and shook her head. Then she walked back to the lobby where the receptionist let her out. The parking lot was still flooded in spots. The mare looked up at the early evening sky and smiled again. Then she put her helmet on. Started her bike and rode off.