A vision of beauty (Patreon)
Princess Luna led her small school of merponies to a modest secluded cove in my Equestria dreamscape. Link Here Luna's school of first time adventurers to the ocean depths could get more familiar with moving about in this new 3 dimensional aquatic environment.
Of the 4 foals there Scootaloo and Stone Mane were the quickest at learning this new form of locomotion with Applebloom being close behind. Sweetie Belle was still having trouble depth control and becoming disoriented so Applebloom stayed with her and kept coaching her friend.
While this was going Princess Luna constantly patrolling confirm there was no dangers were lurking amongst the reefs, underwater caverns or the deeper waters of the cove. Once satisfied she split her attention between keeping an eye on the foals as they played and watching the cove entrance for unexpected visitors. She'd let them play for awhile before continuing their journey.
Stone Mane quickly dove for the bottom of the cove with Scootaloo in hot pursuit. As they neared the bottom he slowly pulled up in a long continuous curve. He had now flown numerous time in his own dreams and across the Dream Realm with Luna and Applebloom, but that was a relatively effortless affair that required very little exertion. Here under the waves it actually felt like he had to use his muscles to move himself. This made the experience feel even more real and visceral for the colt. He was also quickly learning why pegasi took such pleasure in flying. This was amazing!
Arching back towards the surface the 2 foals completed their underwater loop. As they reached its apogee they both slowed to a halt and just floated there about beneath the surface. The midday sun sent shafts of light down amongst them and the fast, flittering schools of small fish that called the cove home. Scootaloo looked over at Stone Mane.
"Hey there Stone! If I didn't know it I'd swear you were a pegasi yourself. Awesome stuff!"
"Thanks Scoots!" Called out the nutmeg brown colt. He looked down at tail and flapped it a couple of times. "I am so going to try this in my own dream fabric when I get back to it! I live near the ocean in Baltimare, and wish I could do this in the Waking World."
Scootaloo slowly did a half aileron roll coming to a halt upside down of the colt. She grinned at the colt. "Yeah! This is so cool! Everypony should try this at least once!"
As they continued to float along both of them became aware of a sound and movement above them. Laughing with glee, Sweetie Belle was apparently starting to get the hang of swimming like this. Applebloom followed closely behind her friend; the earth pony had obviously figured it out this new form of locomotion and was effortlessly keeping formation with her friend.
As Stone Mane and Scootaloo looked on the two fillies slowly came to halt about 10ft above them. "See Sweetie!" Applebloom said. "Ya r' gitting the hang of it now! Yer doin' great!"
"Thanks Applebloom!" The unicorn said as she placed her right front hoof on her friends shoulder, and her friend did the same. "And thank you for inviting Princess Luna here tonight! This has been so fun!"
As they then just floated a brilliant shaft of sunlight suddenly lit the 2 fillies. The light made Sweetie Belles white coat shimmer with subtly shifting colors like a white opal as her light pink and violet mane glistened like strands of satin thread. At the same time Applebloom's deep rose red mane gleamed like burnished metal as it floated in the water. It framed her buttercream yellow face. She then slowly turned her head and looked down at Stone Mane and Scootaloo and smiled. Her caramel brown eyes seemed to glow softly with their own radiant light.
Noticing her friend's gaze Sweetie Belle looked down and noticed Scootaloo and Stone Mane. Giggling the filly flipped her tail back a couple of times. "Look Scootaloo! I can really swim now! Isn't this so amazing!"
Stone Mane felt his heart start racing as he took in this vision of beauty before him. Applebloom gave the colt a knowing grin. As if she was reading the colt's mind.
For her part Scootaloo just stared up wide eyed at Sweetie Belle. A few seconds later a slow stream of bubbles escaped for her mouth accompanied by a little squeak, Then the filly's wings/ back fins twitched.
Flap! Flap! Flap!
To be continued.