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The hangar on the Cloudbase Link was a hive of activity as ground crews conducted routine maintenance on the Angel Interceptors in preparation for an upcoming training missions.

     The hangar was filled with the sound of machinery busily finishing preparations for the departing Angel Interceptors. Meanwhile numerous support vehicle rumbled here and there bringing ordnance and fuel to the sleek aircraft. Most verbal communications were limited to shouts over the din.

     However there was one conversation going on that was much more quiet. Lt. Fluttershy was already seated in the cockpit of her interceptor. With her helmet in her hands as she watched as her chief ground crew member Angel Bunny made a series of pantomime gestures. After a moment the mare replied.

     "Um, yes I remember." She paused as bunny pointed at her with a wrench that he was holding in his little hand and then down at the radar reflector sight. The chiffon yellow mare nodded her head.

    "Yes. I will keep that in mind this time. The sight cannot calculate a tracking solution for me if I am pulling more than 5Gs in a maneuver. "

    The bunny nodded his head then gave her salute and jumped off the aircraft and bounded away. A few seconds later the starter cart hooked up to Fluttershy's plane and started the process of bringing the twin turbojet engines to life.

    Another of the drawings I started during my recent Gerry Anderson themed Picarto stream. In the TV series Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons all of the fighter pilots of Angel Flight were female and their planes were the Angel Interceptors. Link So when I began considering this stream I immediately knew I would have to draw Fluttershy and Angel Bunny in this setting.




At first my eyes were confused, and saw Angel Bunny as an oddly shaped HUD display device. 😳


LOL! Like one of those bobble head dogs that sat on the dashes of cars in the early 80s.

Chris Teet

At that angle it looks more like a Heads-Down Display than a Heads-Up Display. I'm also surprised she can see any of the displays on the instrument panel; seems like trying to read a tablet propped up on your knees.


Gerry Anderson's designs often look really cool until you try to figure out how someone is suppose to operate it. But then again a lot of 1960s aircraft had cockpit ergonomic problems.


That was true for the era, as even an initially well designed cockpit would have fresh doohickeys added in simply where they could be fitted. Of course, you would hope for better with gun-sights, then then Flutters isn't rendered in supermarionation here.

Chris Teet

"But then again a lot of 1960s aircraft had cockpit ergonomic problems." I saw this one video where a guy was climbing into the cockpit of a MiG-23 Flogger fighter jet and it looked like the instrument panel would shear his legs off just above the knees if he had to eject.


One of my step sisters served in the USAF. They flew RB57 recon aircraft. Their base commander could still serve as ground officer but he had both of his legs badly broken during an ejection. Apparently his knees collided with part of the control panel during the escape.

Chris Teet

Damn, sucks that his flying days had to come to such an ignominious end, but then again injuries during ejections are an unfortunately common occurrence, especially in older aircraft.