Anthro Mares-in-Waiting Studies 01 (Patreon)
For an upcoming patron reward I've been asked to draw one of my Mares-in-Waiting. Straight Laced in particular Link in an anthro form. Well I've never drawn any of my Mares-in-Waiting before except for Nightfall. Link
Now when presented with discovering something about a character I will often end up dreaming of a character in that different form. Other times I'll just have the image pop into my head. Then in other cases my ever helpful muse Petina will rummage around in my subconscious and find things for.
So while taking care of other things today Petina chimed in my head and said. "Hey I found some stuff that might work for Straight Laced. Then some images of the character popped into my head.
Then before my muse departed for who knows where she left me with this parting comment.
"Oh, by the way she tagged along. It wasn't my idea." Then Petina was gone, and I was left with this image of an anthro Phoenix. So enjoy. You can thank Petina for this one.