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More imagery from the anthro MLP movie that I watched with Petina in a  dream a while back. A side effect of the portal and its subsidiary gates  fully opening into Equestria from the Realm of Shadows is that magic  got rather unstable for a while. Spells that normally were small and of  limited scope could suddenly surge in power and have effects far beyond  the casters intended effect. Equally big powerful spells could end up  fizzling out at inopportune moments. For that reason unicorns and  pegasus pony had to greatly curtail their use of magic initially until  they could get a handle on this environment.

    An example of  this was Granny Smith was in Ponyville General Hospital undergoing a  routine rejuvenation spell treatment for deteriorating cartilage in her  knees. Instead there was a spell surge and much to everyone's surprise  when lights and special effects subsided good old Granny Smith was about  28 again.

    This ended up being a good thing because with AJ  and Applebloom working for Celestia in the field, and Big Mac joining  the local auxiliary militia the farm was a bit shorthanded. Some of this  was offset by Zecora moving into Sweet Apple Acres after the Everfree  Forest became even too wild for her.

    Granny's standard load  out was a pair of Remington 1100 style semi-auto 12ga shotguns that  she's converted into Mares Legs that she wears almost constantly when  she's outdoors via a belt and suspenders rig. Her preferred hand weapon  is small Spetsnaz-style shovel with sharpened edges that she often keeps  stowed in the door of the technical that she and Zecora drive around in.

     One of the things I remember very clearly from the dream was that the  movie I watched had some interesting background music to it. This is  one of the pieces associated with Granny YouTube



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