A Mare's legs (Patreon)
An example of this was Granny Smith was in Ponyville General Hospital undergoing a routine rejuvenation spell treatment for deteriorating cartilage in her knees. Instead there was a spell surge and much to everyone's surprise when lights and special effects subsided good old Granny Smith was about 28 again.
This ended up being a good thing because with AJ and Applebloom working for Celestia in the field, and Big Mac joining the local auxiliary militia the farm was a bit shorthanded. Some of this was offset by Zecora moving into Sweet Apple Acres after the Everfree Forest became even too wild for her.
Granny's standard load out was a pair of Remington 1100 style semi-auto 12ga shotguns that she's converted into Mares Legs that she wears almost constantly when she's outdoors via a belt and suspenders rig. Her preferred hand weapon is small Spetsnaz-style shovel with sharpened edges that she often keeps stowed in the door of the technical that she and Zecora drive around in.
One of the things I remember very clearly from the dream was that the movie I watched had some interesting background music to it. This is one of the pieces associated with Granny YouTube