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Another scene from the anthro MLP dream/movie that Petina and I watched  one night in my sleep. This was near the climax of the big battle in  Fillydelphia. Celestia for the most part still uses much of the same  battle garb she's worn for the hundreds of years. However Luna has been  willing to embrace some newer technologies since returning from the  moon.

   In this battle Luna kept teleporting in pairs of M61  20mm Vulcan cannons. Levitating cannons and powering them with her horn  the Princess of the Moon laid down a lethal curtain of HE and AP 20mm  shells at 3,000rpms. When one gun pod ran dry she'd teleport it back and  bring a new one in to keep the fire up on the enemy. She did this at  least a dozen times. Only then did she attack with her Swiss-style  saber.

   Like other moments in this dream there was background music, and once again it was provided by Shinedown. YouTube  




Cool! That's some serious firepower. But at 3,000 rpm she can go thru an astounding amount of ammo. Who reloads the pods?


Apparently they were pre-staged for her at a specific location. They didn't reload them they just had that many pods waiting for her. I know they were unique pods because they had different labels and stickers on them.


Ear-pro, Your Majesty! Ear-pro!


I don't think she can hear you. :) [Also, now the Royal Canterlot Voice makes WAYYYYY more sense. XD]


I would not be at all surprised if there was a support team at the staging area to clear, reload, and stage replacements for her. But I see Luna has also "updated" her wardrobe. (The reflections on her left boot makes it look almost like she's got a cloven hoof.)


Yes I could see Twilight standing just out of view in this scene frantically waving a pair of sound protection ear muffs and safety glasses.


I remember operating a 20mm Vulcan in Alaska. An experimental M113A2 with this beast of a gun top mounted. Air defense usage. Firing control was radar guided. Simply put the curser on the target, press lock, the gun self tracked adjusting for direction, range, speed. Press Fire. Sounded like canvas fabric being ripped. The drone was turned into tiny chunks of metal. The only issue was the system used active radar which one could be jammed and two was a magnet for radar seeking missiles. It never went into production as new fire and forget stuff was being developed. Later named Stinger. And yes it was very loud. A pain to reload. Overheated quickly. But it did put out the rounds!! 20mm dual purpose low mass uranium tipped.


Coincidentally I was daydreaming about this today and determined Bulk Biceps is Luna's Armsmaster. He has 10 pairs of M61s ready to go, each prominently numbered on top so Luna knows which to grab next. As soon as a pair returns to their cradles, he quickly replaces the ammunition drum, manually loads the first round through the feed chute, disengages the barrel set from the drum rotor, replaces it with a fresh (cool) set of barrels, and moves to the next unit. He has gotten very good at keeping up with Luna's rate of fire.