Know Fear (Patreon)
2017-08-24 05:27:40
2020-04-29 22:26:54
Another scene from the anthro MLP dream/movie that Petina and I watched one night in my sleep. This was near the climax of the big battle in Fillydelphia. Celestia for the most part still uses much of the same battle garb she's worn for the hundreds of years. However Luna has been willing to embrace some newer technologies since returning from the moon.
In this battle Luna kept teleporting in pairs of M61 20mm Vulcan cannons. Levitating cannons and powering them with her horn the Princess of the Moon laid down a lethal curtain of HE and AP 20mm shells at 3,000rpms. When one gun pod ran dry she'd teleport it back and bring a new one in to keep the fire up on the enemy. She did this at least a dozen times. Only then did she attack with her Swiss-style saber.
Like other moments in this dream there was background music, and once again it was provided by Shinedown. YouTube