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 Applejack looked down at her little sister in my Equestria dreamscape. "Are ya okay Sugar Cube? Ya look a bit stunned there." See you in my dreams! 

  Applebloom nodded her head. "I'm okay sis. I, wasn't expecting that, but it was very nice thing fer him ta do." 

  AJ grinned at the filly. "So ya like that Stone Mane do ya?"

  "Yeah, yeah I do. I, I like him" 

  Big Mac grunted and watched the train roll away. "Well he definitely seems ta taken a liking ta ya."

  "Ya it seems like that." Said the filly softly. 

  Since it was Saturday Applebloom didn't have school, and there was no market today so the little filly didn't have to help there. She'd already done her morning chores so without any clear agenda for the morning the she decided to see if the members of the CMC were available. Fortunately she didn't have to look far. As she left the station platform she found her friends waiting there.  

  "So how did it go! Did you two have fun!" Exclaimed Sweetie Belle. 

  "Ya Applebloom how did go?" Asked Scootaloo. 

  AB looked at her friends and in a rather robotic voice she replied."We had a good time. He's really nice. He really likes me and I'm special ta him. He just kissed me goodbye." 

  Sweetie Belle made squealing noise that made every dog in a half mile of her cringe. Scootaloo just stared at her friend with a stunned expression.   

  "Whoa! Seriously?" Said pegasus filly.

  "That's so adorable!" Squealed unicorn filly. 

  Applebloom was about to reply to her friends when she felt a chill run up her spine. Peering over her shoulder she looked up to see Rarity staring down at her. The mare's eyes had a manic quality to them, and the smile on her face was unnaturally large. Obviously she'd heard everything that had been said. After a second or two the mare spoke. 

  "Applebloom dear. Did you just say your coltfriend just kissed you goodbye?" 

  AB's first reaction was to run, but she slowly nodded her head. "Um, yes. He told I was very special ta him and he..." 

  Before the filly could finish her sentence she felt once again the mare's levitation kick in and she was yanked off the ground and into the embrace of Ponyville's resident fashionista.  

  "Oh Applebloom I'm so proud of you! To sweep him off his hooves like that on your first meeting! To have him to pledge his life and love to you, and at such a young age as well! Oh! I'm kind of jealous of you! I was several years older than you before colt said something like that to me! Tell me what happened last night! TELL ME EVERYTHING!" 

  "Uh, Rarity aren't ya jumping the gun a bit? He just said I was special ta him and he gave me a kiss goodbye." 

  The Element of Generosity ignored the filly's comment and pressed on with her train of thought.  "Applebloom! This is very important question I'm going to ask you. Did he kiss you on the lips?" 

  "Um yeah but...." Before the filly could finish her sentence her view of the world became a blur as she suddenly found herself twirled around as Rarity pirouetted with AB in her bone-crushing embrace. After what seemed like an eternity the merry-go-round stopped.   

  "My dear little filly that's wondrous news! Such a bold and daring act is surely a sign of true love!" Exclaimed the mare. 

  "Uh Rarity did ya perhaps hit yer head, or have ya been hitting the cider a bit early today?" Asked the filly. 

  Blue-violet maned mare was about to reply when Petina slowly wandered into the commotion. "Rarity. Rarity. We need to work on refining your voyeurism skills! This frontal assault method will not get you results you're looking for. Now, why don't we give the fillies some privacy?" 

  Using her own levitation Petina extracted Applebloom from Rarity's embrace and set the filly on the ground. Then white unicorn sauntered over and started steering Rarity away from the fillies. All the while talking her. 

  "But! But!" Stammered Rarity.

  "No buts. Well butts are nice, but let's leave them alone. Tell you what! How about I show the next chapter I finished. Think of it as a sneak peek!" 

  Rarity blushed a bit. "Is this, is this the chapter with the chocolate sauce in it?"

  Petina grinned. "Yes it is."

  The three fillies watched the two mares wander off. After a couple seconds Applebloom spoke up.

  "Grownups are really weird sometimes." 

 To be continued.   



Dorian Inman

Yeah...I'm with Rarity reaction wise. No, not her physical reaction, what she said. *silent chanting* I don't want to know what is being done with chocolate sauce. Yes, AB, grownups can be really weird sometimes. And you're not *that* far from being one yourself.


I uh, I shudder to think what style of dress Rarity will create for Applebloom and Stone Mane's next meeting... "Rarity? I think you didn't finish this one. The seam is split all the way up to my flank..."


That is a scary expression. Applebloom really needs to learn to trust her instincts better. "I need an adult." / "I AM an adult!" :)


Rarity seems to be learning all kinds of things from Petina. I'm not convinced that's a good thing.


I'm Scared


Be afraid! Very Afraid.


And everyone thought I'm crazy when I said romance novels belong with Necronomicon and other tomes of arcane lore - tuckered away in a safe enchanted vault. See what they cause?


Petina stares at you. "Are you claiming my romance fiction is some type eldritch writing?"