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This is Morning Lily and she will be appearing soon in my Equestria dreamscape. She's an individual with an interesting background. 




Interesting light system she is carrying. Be interesting to hear its usage.


For my dreamscape it is very modern and cutting edge and she's carrying it for a very specific reason.


Interesting to hear about it. I figured it had a specific usage.

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For some reason, the first thought I had when I saw the smaller version of this drawing was "a grizzled mobile coffee dispenser". :D

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Trying to fly with only one eye must make flying 'exciting' when close to buildings and the ground.


Yeah but she's still a really good flier in spite of having one eye. And she lost her eye in one hell of a fight.




I'm envisioning her and Phoenix at a bar, trying to one up each other with, 'well, I got THIS scar by...!'

Dorian Inman

I seriously cannot wait until we find out more about this lovely lady. A primitive arc reactor you say? This is extremely intriguing! None of the Roan verse mixes into your dreamscape does it?