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 While Fantasy, Flying Gallop, and Sundown enjoyed an entertaining, if tiring, evening together. Oh, this will be interesting other ponies were planning for something much more unpleasant in my Equestria dreamscape. 

  Captain Firewing slowly closed the folder. He then gingerly set back on the low table in front of him as if it was a volatile chemical or a bomb. His eyes met Gleaming Shield's and he raised an eyebrow, then looked at Celestia. 

  "So the final operation is a go your Highness." 

  The princess took a long, slow sip of her mint tea then with deliberate care she returned the china cup to its saucer. Having worked with her Highness for decades now Firewing had learned that this was a sign of her reining in her emotions. With a neutral voice she replied. 

  "Yes Captain. Our prosecutors feel that they have airtight cases against the primary suspects from the Associations. Our forces are now staged and awaiting the order to move.  

  Gleaming Shield shook is head. "This is the most brazen thing that any of crime families have attempted in quite awhile. They've intervened and manipulated local politicians and government before, but they've rarely tried to interfere with affairs in the Royal Palace. The examples you've made in past your Highness have generally served as cautionary tales to future generations. So what has changed all of the sudden?"

  "At this time we no information that says the palace break-in or the current behavior in Manehattan is the result of a struggle amongst the ranks, or part of a larger territorial struggle between the families." Said the Co-Ruler of Equestria. 

   "In fact the Associations almost seem to be working toward a common goal. That's why I've sent Phoenix, Quick Silver, Blood Feather to Manehattan to take into custody in a key suspect in this case before the operation begins. I don't want him slipping out of our grasp during the chaos that will undoubtedly occur during an operation of this size."

  "Needless to say in light of the evidence of collusion in local government only a small number of trustworthy ponies in Manehattan City Hall are aware of the impending operation." 

  Firewing flipped through a folder he'd brought to the meeting. "We've got our forces staged covertly outside the city. They're set to begin their operation at 0210 tonight 10 minutes after royal emergency edict is announced in Luna's night court. 

  "Arrest and search warrants have been issued discreetly to the ponies in charge of the operation. Also the ponies who will be assuming the control of the Mayor's Office, the Police Department, and District Attorney's Office have been sworn in advance and are ready to take control of those offices until the investigation is complete and new permanent appointees can either be elected or assigned by you and Luna your Highness." 

  The pegasus stallion looked at Celestia. "When are your mares suppose to execute their operation?" 

  The Co-Ruler of Equestria held her answer as the servants brought in a fresh trays of tea sandwiches, a lemon tart, and a new pot of tea. Once they'd left the room she spoke.

  "It is their goal is to take their target covertly into custody about 6 hours before the start of the main operation. Needless to say due to the evidence of Blood Hoof family infiltration into the ranks of local law enforcement the police have not been informed of this operation. They will take the suspect to an awaiting airship and immediately depart from Manehattan. They will then proceed directly to Canterlot where the suspect will be formally charged." 

  Gleaming Shield levitated a piece of paper off the table a gave it another looking over. "Bribery, willful interference in a police investigation, extortion, money laundering, tax evasion, participating in an illegal gambling operation, participating in illegal sex operation, kidnapping and forcing ponies to perform sexual acts against their will, assault and battery, being an accomplice in the break-in of the Royal Palace."  

  The Captain of the Watch returned the paper to the table. "That's enough charges that even if only quarter of them stick he won't see the sun for 20 years or more. Do you think he'll cooperate your Highness if we offer him any type of reduced sentence?" 

  Celestia took a bite from her slice of lemon tart and then took long sip of her tea. "It would be in his best interest to cooperate with the Crown in this investigation." She said. "Phoenix, Quick Silver, and Blood Feather will begin preliminary questioning of the suspect while en route to Canterlot." 

  The Princess of the Sun gave the stallion a surprisingly wicked grin for one who usually projected an air of motherly grace. "I think by the time he gets here he'll understand that it is in his best interest to cooperate with me. The mares should be able to make it very clear that I am offering him as good of a deal as he going to get!" 

  Celestia levitated a stack of photos from folder and passed them over to the two stallions. "And in light of the things he's done I don't feel like being very generous with him. Even if he and his Association wasn't involved in our main investigation this alone is reason alone for clearing out that den of vipers. And the fact that there are members of City Hall covering up stuff like this is reason alone for their removal from office immediately!"  

   Gleaming Shield stared at the photos again. They were no less horrifying  to view the second time. "I assume that those ponies will receive help once the operation is over?" 

  Celestia closed her eyes as she spoke. "Yes they will. They will receive all care they need. The Crown and those who it has chosen to govern have let this happen. Therefore it is only appropriate that the Crown assume the duty of helping those who it has failed to protect." 

    Firewing looked at the photos for a moment. He'd seen them earlier but they were still just as disturbing. He returned them to the table. "These photos do raise a concern with me and the involvement of one member of your team your Highness. Are you sure that..." 

  "I have no doubt in her ability to perform her duties or the assignment given to her." Celestia interrupted the captain in a voice that made it abundantly clear that the subject was not up for discussion.     

        Firewing nodded his head. "Understood your Highness." 

  Celestia face and voice softened. "This will be a difficult mission for her and I even offered to assign another team to the operation. However she insisted, and her teammates have stated their desire to do it. I think she sees this as further proof of her conquering her past. Both her and her teammates have shown themselves as being worthy of being Scale Bearers and all that means. I trust them."  

  Gleaming Shield spoke up. "Besides they've been told that every attempt is to be made to bring the suspect back alive." 

  Firewing gave the Captain of the Watch a deadpan look. "What about in one piece?" 

  Celestia once again gave a surprisingly evil grin. "I just told them alive captain."

 To be continued.   



Dorian Inman

Oh...man...what the heck happened to her? I mean we've had hints at what happened to the ponies in the pictures, but if it's a minor reflection on what happened to her...well she has that much more of my respect than what she had before.

Dorian Inman

Phoenix...unless my pain med addled mind has thrown the storyline out of sequence.


I just love a well planned operation. Timing is good but I am concerned about the 10 minute delay on action. These ponies in question are not going to be a soft target to begin with. 10 minutes is enough to set up resistance. But that may be her aim. Saves on a trial. Take them out while resisting.


I'mma put this out there, because your writing themes bring it to mind constantly: are you familiar with David Weber's Safehold series of books? If not, I'm confident they're right up your alley a


Not a look you usually see on her face. She's quite content with whatever Phoenix, Quick Silver, and Bloodfeather do on this operation.


We now see hints of the Celestia that has held Equestria together for a millennia.


The few times we see under the mask of calm leadership we've come to know. She was pissed, now she going to enjoy someone evil getting there just deserts. Haven't seen her mask slip this much since the Lord of Shadows. One similarity: you do not mess with mama bird's chicks.


Yeah, you can't run a kingdom for a 1000 years and not have spine, or be unwilling to get dirty to protect that which you precious and dear.

Generic Avatar

When did Celestia switch from her show crown to a more practical crown?