Riding (Patreon)
Been in fighting a low level cold for the last couple of days, but I still got a fair bit of work done today including some more Patreon reward stuff that I'll be posting tomorrow. So as a reward to myself I decided to do this drawing of anthro Fluttershy.
Now along with my regular Equestria dreamscape I now have an anthropomorphic Equestria dreamscape that get to visit about once a week. Unlike the original dreamscape this one doesn't have as much in common with the actual series.
One big difference is that Fluttershy and Discord are definitely an item in it. This drawing is from one of those dreams.
Discord finished sweeping the cottage floor. With that the last of his Sunday chore were done. He then gave the broom the rest of the day off. Relieved of its duties the broom marched itself over to the wall and leaned itself against it until it was needed again.
The draconequus sauntered into the living room and flopped down on the sofa. A snap of his fingers and his reading glasses appeared on his muzzle. Another snap and the book he was reading appeared.
He'd only just started reading when Fluttershy came in from feeding the animals and watering the garden. She was wearing her signature tank top, Daisy Dukes, and her coiled bullwhip which was slung from a belt. Spotting Discord the pegasus mare smiled and wandered over to him.
"All done with your chores dear?"
"Why of course Fluttershy. So did you have any plans for the day?"
"Well...." The mare rocked back and forth on her hooves. "It's um, uh, a beautiful day outside and if you were interested I was hoping I could take you riding?"
The Lord of Chaos peered over his glasses. "Riding?"
"Yep!" The chiffon yellow mare said, and with a snap of her fingers Fluttershy used some of the chaos magic Discord had granted her and vanished in a flash and a soft pop. A second or so later she returned wearing snug, tan trousers with leather reinforcement on the inside thighs. A long sleeve white top and calf-high black riding boots and spurs that kept her coiled bullwhip company as it hung from a belt around her waist.
Discord arched an eyebrow. " You know I've never gone riding before right?"
Fluttershy giggled. "Don't worry I'll teach you the basics really quick!"
The draconequus rolled his tongue around in his mouth. "Also I don't remember you having anything big enough for me to ride in your menagerie?"
The mare laughed some more. "Oh Discord!" Then she leaned forward and in a voice she usually reserved for the bedroom she whispered. "I said I was hoping to take you riding."
Then she slowly sauntered out the front door.
Discord watched her sashay away. Then his glasses fogged over.