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The final drawing from my last Picarto stream. It was a request for Rarity playing beach volleyball. Rarity strikes me as the kind of mare who at first would consider beach volleyball to be very unladylike, and would only reluctantly agree to play it. Then somepony, probably RD or AJ, would hit her with the ball one too many times and then a switch would be flipped and she'd turn into the terror of the beach. 

        This piece was a challenge because I had no direct reference for this pose. I had some very general reference photos. I had to guess the perspective, anatomy, foreshortening on the fly during the stream. If I did the piece again, and I might, I'd probably do several things differently. But that's why I decided to tackle this pose  and viewpoint.  To force me to try new and different things.  If you never fail you never learn.   



Cult of Dust

Gotta be hard to jump with hooves on sand. At least she'll enjoy the fun enough to not mind her mane and tail getting messy.


And besides Rarity probably ends up with that sexy looking kind of messed mane and tail.


With a slight shake her mane and tail will be perfect. Its an art darling as she would say.