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 Constable Blue Iris walked his routine patrol of the Central Manehattan Jail in my Equestria dreamscape. It was after midnight and for the first time in several weeks it was relatively quiet. Meaning that the population at the jail had dropped down to something like it had been before the Royal Sisters had initiated their crackdown on the Associations. Until just a few days ago the jail had been at full capacity. 

  However there had been a concerted effort to move many of the suspects out of the Manehattan. One to help ease the strain on the transitional government. Two to remove many of the suspects from the territory that their Associations had controlled. Either to reduce the chance of rescue or the possibility of reprisal for cooperating with the Crown. 

  Now instead of the cells being packed with hardened criminals the jail population was back to the usual collection of drunks, pick pockets and general low grade troublemakers. Well accept for one cell. 

  Blue Iris took a turn and wandered down a corridor past several empty cells until he came to the last one. He stopped in and checked in on its only prisoner.  

  "You're still up dear?" The constable asked. "It's after midnight. You really should try and get some sleep. You're heading off to Canterlot tomorrow." 

  Prophecy was sitting on her cot staring at the floor. Slowly she lifted her head and looked at the constable. 

  "Can't sleep." She said forlornly. "Not surprising. I've always have had trouble sleeping."

  The stallion shook his head slowly. "Do you want a mug of chamomile tea? It might help." 

  Prisoners were only suppose to be fed at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but Blue Iris and the rest of the staff made exceptions for this young mare. Yes she'd be part of Blank Check's private retinue, but everypony in the jail staff just felt that Prophecy had just fallen into bad company. She had to wear an inhibitor ring, but the staff had set up curtained area around the toilet so she could have some privacy. A courtesy not extended to any of the other prisoners. 

  The dark bay mare shrugged. "It couldn't hurt. Thank you." She said softly. 

  The unicorn turned and left to fetch the tea. Dang! How did such a poor thing end up with such a rotten crowd? He wondered as he trotted off. 

  Prophecy watched the constable leave. Then she looked at the floor again and pondered what the future held for her. It was apparent to Prophecy that she was going to critical in obtaining several convictions. She'd seen that in several recent visions. She was being formally charged with aiding and abetting Blank Check, but since she was willingly cooperating with the Crown her charges were being greatly reduced.   

  Closing her ice blue eyes Prophecy's thoughts go back to last interview with Early Riser. The mare had interviewed 4 times. The interview  Her last one had been this afternoon. 

  "Prophecy. I've arranged for your transport to Canterlot. That's where your case is going to will be judged." Said the officer. "You'll be leaving early tomorrow morning. I may or may not testify at your hearing, but I will forward my final report to the court there. You'll be formally assigned legal counsel to represent you there. The lawyer that has been handling your case here in Manehattan will forward their notes to Canterlot."

  The older mare smiled. "Due to my commission and assignment I cannot give you an formal counsel. However if you continue to assist and aid the Crown you'll make things better for you. Also you'll have better chance of getting the help you need." 

  Early Riser leaned across the table and placed her right front hoof on one of the young mare's. "Remember you don't have to face the world all alone. There are others who can help you." 

  Prophecy looked down at the officer's hoof then looked her in the eyes. "Being alone is not the problem m'am. I'm never alone." 

  The young mare opened her eyes and looked around the empty cell and sighed again. The glow lamps caused her shadow to be cast on the wall behind her. As she sat there another shadow slowly crept from the ceiling and down the wall behind her. It was like a shadow puppet of some twisted monstrosity. The aberration came to a halt just above Prophecy's shadow and slowly extended a clawed hand toward her. 

  Suddenly from Prophecy's own shadow two other forms leaped up the wall and confronted the intruder. The other shadow paused and then began retreating back up the wall it had descended from. 

  Prophecy turned and looked over the shoulder. Behind her was one of the stone walls of her cell. Upon it was just her own shadow. She looked away and sighed again.

 To be continued.      




Huh... two shadows come out of her own to chase another away? I wonder if that is Viper and Creeper.


Wow - that mare just keeps getting deeper and more frightening.


She has friends......she just hasn’t met them yet.


Now if all three can get together in the same room. However would that be dangerous?