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Meant to get this done and posted last week. Well better late than never. Last week I saw several postings referring to Celestia in a bunnysuit, or Bunnyestia. Well here's my take on it. 



Octavia Melody

Another beautiful bunnygirl. Awesome work Baron

Cult of Dust

Somehow I figured your take would be a bit more playboy :p


Nice! I love the little bunny ears on the hooves!

Wireball MacCarter

Somehow I was expecting a cross between a vampire, a bunny, and Celestia. In retrospect, I'm not sure why. :)


This is really good (as always) but the lack of environmental context made it hard at first to see how the perspective works. Just something to maybe note for future. As always you manage to combine sexy and artsy in a way that is rarer than it should be