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Autumn Blaze played with her copper brown mane with one hand as she laid on the bed. AJ was in another room preparing something. She'd been gone for the last 10 minutes. 

      As part of their growing relation the two of them had started to regularly have these sessions where they would deliberately try things they'd never done before. Tonight AJ said she had something special for the kirin. 

     The kirin looked up as she heard the music begin. The tune had an exotic, rhythmic sound to it. A few seconds later the earth pony came dancing into the room. Autumn had never seen the farmpony dance like this. 

     The yellow orange mare rocked her hips in time with the music. Her shoulders rolled as her arms rippled and moved like willow limbs in the breeze. Autumn found herself hypnotized by the performance. 

     Along with her exotic dance Applejack's outfit was equally entrancing. She wore a low small top with a very, very low neckline of pale, shimmering straw yellow. It was trimmed with an embroidered border pattern of green leaves and red apples. Around her neck was a choker of similar material with 3 embroidered red apples arranged like her cutie mark. 

     Clasped to her right hip with a large enameled red apple pin was a long flowing skirt of similar material. As AJ twirled and danced around the bedroom the skirt billowed and swirled around. It was at this point the kirin noticed her partner wasn't wearing anything under it. 

     The music went on for several minutes then finally ended. Coming to a stop a couple of feet in front of the kirin the farmpony looked down at her motionless partner. After a second she swallowed and spoke up.

     "So uh sugar cube. Whatya think? We're trying different things, and this here is something I haven't done before!"

     The kirin stared silently at AJ.

     The tiniest bit of concern crept into AJ eyes. "Um, Rarity made this here outfit, and uh Fluttershy taught me the dance. Didcha like it?"

      Without saying a word Autumn suddenly reached out and grabbed AJ's right hand and yanked the earth pony onto the bed. Before AJ could say anything Autumn planted her lips on the farm pony in a long passionate kiss. Coming up for air a few seconds later AJ final spoke. 

     "I'll take that as being a yes."

      A patron reward for Sura-Resch






Yeah. There is something slightly visible under the dress... might need to adjust the labels a little?


Well my site is tagged as posting NSFW material so that shouldn't be an issue

Cult of Dust

Always wanted to try that. It is hard. AJ however performs splendidly!


Basically a bedlah ("harem dancer outfit"), one of my weaknesses!