On our way (Patreon)
While Half-cock's team members began their journey of discovery Lessons another group of ponies were starting their own. After days of planning, coordinating, confirming that things were in order along with much packing my household now stood on the train platform of the Ponyville train station in my Equestria dreamscape. We were starting our journey to Ft. Trotterdale to meet Scratch. Sex on the beach
While Ft. Trotterdale was the final destination our trip would take us to several cities in Equestria as we traveled across the kingdom. We'd first travel to Hoofington where we'd change trains and then continue on to Manehattan. Since our original trip to Manehattan had been sabotaged by Discord's return we'd scheduled to have a couple days to see the city. Then we'd catch another train and head down the eastern coast of Equestria stopping in Fillydelphia and finally ending in Baltimare. From there we'd board the paddlewheel steamship E.S.S. Sea Stallion which would take us to our final destination of Ft. Trotterdale.
Keeping us company on the platform that morning was Applejack and Rainbow Dash. RD was there supposedly to just be neighborly and see us off. Truth be told she'd spent the evening with us and it was obvious to me that having recently discovered the concept of intimate relationships she was not looking forward to a 6 week hiatus from it. While we were gone RD would be house-sitting at our cottage. To help make it a bit more palatable to the mare Petina had provided her a hefty stipend to use for provisions during her stay.
Applejack was there to take Carousel's cart back to our cottage. We'd used it to transport our steamer trunks. After shedding her harness the palomino earth pony had changed in the mares room into long sleeve, white cotton shirt, a snug, rust red jacket and white cravat. The mare rounded out her ensemble with a small-brim hat of a similar rust red and a black hat band perched jauntily on her head.
Petina had a silk shirt made from the palest of violet which complimented the jacket of deep violet she was wearing. A wide-brim hat of matching deep violet with a band of black leather with tiny metal studs and a large white plume was cocked on her head.
For this first stage of the journey I was wearing white cotton shirt with black bow tie. A jacket light wool in navy blue and a bowler hat of similar color finished the day's outfit.
Soon the distant sound wailing moan of the approaching train could be heard. A few minutes later a great locomotive of gleaming green lacquer with yellow trim came into view pulling 10 cars of similar color scheme. With a great blast of its steam whistles and a cloud of steam that engulfed the platform the train came to a halt. After a few seconds the doors began opening and a half-dozen ponies began to disembarking.
Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Well Brick! Petina! Carousel! You guys have an awesome trip! Write when you get there! You're going to write? Right? I mean I haven't been to Ft. Trotterdale myself, so send me some postcards, so I can–"
Petina brought the mare's rambling to an abrupt halt by suddenly stepping forward and giving her a long, deep, kiss. Detaching from her the white unicorn looked her in the eyes and smiled "Dash." She said softly. "We'll be fine, and so will you. Of course we'll write you, and we'll bring you back some awesome stuff. Okay?"
The light Cerulean blue mare smiled with quivering lips and nodded her head. Later she'd claim that coal dust had made her eyes watery. One by one my household kissed and hugged her. For her part AJ gave us some privacy by intently staring at the posted train schedule.
Over sounds of hooves, hissing machinery, and creaking luggage carts, the loud, clear voice of the conductor called out.
"Attention! May have yer attention! We're now a boarding! All passengers departing with this here train you are welcome ta board!" The mare repeated the message as she began wandering down the platform.
We did more one round of hugs and kisses then my household turned and trotted aboard the train. Upon reaching our cabin we lowered the window and yelled out at AJ and RD.
"AJ! Thank you again looking after our garden while we're gone!" Called out Carousel. "Don't forget when you harvest the sweet peas to take some home for your family!"
"I'll do that! Don'tcha worry yer pretty head! Yer garden is in good hooves while yer gone!" Said the farmpony.
"Brick! I hope you packed that study guide I gave you" Called out Rainbow Dash. "Remember your exam to be a full-time weather pony will be coming up soon after you return! So don't let your brains go all mushy while you're gone!"
I laughed. "Whoa Dash! You're sounding like Twilight all of the sudden!" Her face suddenly turned bright red.
"I am not! It's just that I pulled a lot of strings to get that exam set up for you! So don't you–"
RD's voice was drowned out by a sudden cacophony of steam whistles and the groaning screeches as the locomotive began to pull away from the station. AJ took her hat off and waved it at us and we returned the gesture. Dash sat down and on her haunches and waved both her front legs as slowly pulled away. She was still waving when she vanished from our view.
To be continued.