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This morning was the first one this week that I woke up feeling and felt I'd beaten the crud that's been plaguing me this week. One thing I've been having dreams about this week is having various characters in nurses outfits showing up to check up on me and make sure I'm getting better.  Last night Luna made an appearance. 

      Tomorrow 1/18/20 starting at 5:30pm Pacific I'll be streaming on Picarto. So join me for an evening of art, stories, D&D report and some really great folks. See you there! 




"Prepare thyself, Patient. 'Tis time for thine sponge bath!"

Cult of Dust

I think I should get sick soon...


I think my next two words will be a good summary of any patient's reaction to this vision: Hello Nurse! :D


*Cascada's "Night Nurse" plays in the background*


Night shifts at that Hospital must be interesting to say the least.


"Heartbeat" by Riggs, from the soundtrack of the original "Heavy Metal" movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F92LtIEChI (Please, Nurse Luna!)