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When I'm sick and under the weather I'll sometimes have rather odd, unusual, one-off dreams.  This week while recovering from my bout of crud I had a dream one evening which was set in a fantasy, sword and sorcerer, Heavy Metal, anthropomorphic, MLP setting.  In that dream Rarity was the leader of a flight of mercenary dragon riders that served Princess Celestia. Riding a much larger and grownup Spike she and her forces patrolled the borders and mountains of Equestria. 

      The rest of the Mane Six along other characters from the show and my household or Petina, Carousel, and Sky Brush were in it as well. 

      Tomorrow 1/18/20 starting at 5:30pm Pacific I'll be streaming on Picarto. So join me for an evening of art, stories, D&D report, and some really great folks. See you there!

Edit. If you need some appropriate music for this piece. Link 




Cult of Dust

... You should draw some more outfits from that dream.

Dorian Inman

A little Red Sonja influences too, looks like. Looks like you’re familiar with John Buscema, too. I mean, style wise this brings to my mind his style for Conan and Sonja. This is an absolutely stunning piece!


So take that riiiiiide....on Heavy Metal...


Oh to be a dragon.....🥰


Channel thy inner Frazetta. And nice piece of music for it. 'All of you' is a nice song as well.


When I hear "dragon rider" I inevitably think of Pern's weyrs. Rarity would make an excellent gold rider and weyrwoman.


Definitely MLP meets Pern, with a lot of "Heavy Metal" thrown in. Spike would be a very lucky Dragon. 'Axe


Hmm. Pern with Spike as a "purple dragon"... :P