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Octavia looked down at her partner as she floated above her. Vinyl Scratch looked up at her with an expression of surprise. Smiling at her Octavia leaned even further forward and looked her in the eyes. 

     "Happy anniversary dear! I thought we'd do something special this year, so I contacted our genie friend Rarity and she and Sweetie Belle arranged this. It's only for a day, but I figured we can have lots of fun!" 

     An impish grin dances on her face. "So, you get 3 limited wishes, but I'm not adverse to any ideas, comments, proposals, or suggestions you might have." Octavia giggled. "So any suggestions?"

    One of the drawings I started during my recent Picarto stream. The theme that evening was genies, and recently in the Anthro MLP dreamscapes where Rarity's family are all genies. Wanting More In that dream Rarity arranged to temporarily Octavia into a very limited power genie for her and Vinyl's wedding anniversary. 



Ayumi Silverfox

The expressions in this one are so incredibly delightful to the point where you can imagine the voices and the scene playing out with this being a photograph of one moment of it. And I love how you choose the outfits to match the scene as if one was an archeologist stumbling across a dusty bottle. Nicely done!


Oh Petina, and Rarity, are strong believers in the idea of roleplaying to help set the mood in situations like this.


And that is why the rum is always gone. Blame those genies


It is worth it…..one can always find rum.😉