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Another drawing I started during my most recent Picarto stream. The theme of the stream was genies of all types. This piece is also a patron reward for Caerdwyn

    The scene is from early in the D&D campaign he's running, and it's the moment that my character Cedric met the being that would become his warlock patron. Firelord Bey Calavashan: Lord of the Seventh Burning Paradise. 

    The cerva was a mere 3rd level horizon walker ranger at this point, and Calavashan was so much powerful than the party that idea combat with him was off the table. So Cedric remembered all the courtesy and politeness his parents had taught him. Fortunately even after being accidentally trapped in the matrix of fire ley line for almost a thousand years Firelord Bey Calavashan didn't blast the first mortal he came across.  Unbeknownst to Cedric this was his first step to becoming a warlock.  



Ayumi Silverfox (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 19:31:44 I only heard part of this story while my spouse was watching the stream when this was being drawn up. Putting it all together certainly makes it look like a scene from a storybook or a D&D module which I'm sure was the intention. Love the mist effect you came up with and even the hair on Firelord Bey gives the feel of weight and heft. Nicely done
2021-06-16 22:52:15 I only heard part of this story while my spouse was watching the stream when this was being drawn up. Putting it all together certainly makes it look like a scene from a storybook or a D&D module which I'm sure was the intention. Love the mist effect you came up with and even the hair on Firelord Bey gives the feel of weight and heft. Nicely done

I only heard part of this story while my spouse was watching the stream when this was being drawn up. Putting it all together certainly makes it look like a scene from a storybook or a D&D module which I'm sure was the intention. Love the mist effect you came up with and even the hair on Firelord Bey gives the feel of weight and heft. Nicely done