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This is the second drawing from hour 2 of my most recent Picarto stream. The theme that evening was showing some of the various techniques and principles I use when drawing. During this hour I was demonstrating how construction lines in an under drawing can help produce a stronger piece of art. I've already posted the Tempest Shadow that I did Link but here's the Rainbow Dash I also started. 

     This drawing was inspired by a similar piece I did a couple of years ago. Strike from above! The pose possessed several elements that let me show folks how construction lines can help with keeping things in perspective, location of important joints on the figure, and how different parts of the body along with assorted objects touching the body will interact. 



Ayumi Silverfox

Yeah I'll certainly say this was a strong piece in more ways than one. And I recall how you mentioned how lengthening some aspects of the figure can impart motion and movement. This piece shows that off really well especially with the arms and how the legs are positioned (if I'm looking at things right). Oh and very interesting blade choice as well in that it looks like a cross between a gladius and a longsword. Certainly would fit since I'd imagine most pegasus would prefer something that would allow them to take advantage of their speed and agility. Very nice piece with all of the fine details and to say nothing of the expression. :)


The sword hilts and blades are roughly based on Viking and Saxon era swords.