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Have you ever thought you'd woken up from a dream only to discover that you were still asleep? Well Last Thing is experiencing this in my Equestria dreamscape.

     Reality and hallucination were almost indistinguishable for Last Thing now. Her world was a fever landscape of demons and nightmares. Link The only constant in this landscape was voice of that filly  Last Thing had met in that observatory one afternoon. The one she'd tried kill. The one who she had killed, only to watch that filly defy death and scream in her face. Link Applebloom, the gatekeeper. The one who would open the gates of chaos and destroy everything. Link 

     Nurse Sweet Elixir dabbed the sweat from Last Thing's coat. Her and the rest of the staff had been working in relays for the last couple of days along with the doctors to try and help the Scale Bearer, but despite their best efforts Last Thing's condition continued to deteriorate.

     In an last ditch attempt to save the life and sanity of the Mare-in-Waiting Doctor Steady Pulse had decided to put the unicorn back into magically induced coma which it was hoped would bring some much needed relief to the tormented mare.

     Doctor Steady Pulse addressed Sweet Elixir. "Elixir. Please step back now." As he said that he closed his eyes and his horn started pulsating in a series of changing colors. A glowing aura began to grow around Last Thing. As it grew brighter the mare's shiver subsided. Her breathing grew more steady, and her body seemed to limp. As this happened the doctor spoke softly.

     "Have peace dear, and fear not. We won't fail you and we'll bring you back as soon as we can free you from this."

     However as she descended into a state of magical stasis Last Thing imagined she heard the filly's voice whispering in her mind one last time.

     "Heh heh! See ya later. I'll be waiting fer ya. I'll be waiting."

To be continued.

