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A moment from my Equestria dreamscape. Although takes places at the end of Season Five which is a couple year after the current main dream line. 

    In that time Applebloom has studied and learned how to use her evolving shadow talent to achieve maximum presence attack against her opponents and gain the psychology advantage over them. Link This is one such case.   

     Wabo Kinto looked up from the book he was reading. It was after 10 in the evening and the halls of his impressive estate were quiet now. The servants had retired for the evening. The only ones wandering the halls and grounds of his property were the dozen guards that made up the first half of the night watch. 

    Wabo was proud his estate, his great wealth, the vast pantries and storerooms filled with every type of food stock, spices, oils, and drinks that a zebra of his standing could want. Here he dined, entertained, and conducted business with those who matter in the world. Here within the walls of his estate his rule absolute and this pleased him mightily! 

    And oh business was good! Whether it rare goods arriving in the holds of dhows that docked at the piers, or treasures carried on the backs of camels who navigate the vast seas of sand. Wabo Kinto sought to make coin from it. In some cases the most valuable commodities didn't have to be carried. They walked, actually more led, on their own hooves into his possession. Amongst the many valuable things in this worlds, the lives of others are often the most treasured. And the trading of those lives often brought Wabo Kinto the most coin.

   The middle aged zebra looked around the room and smiled. The contents of it were examples of this coin and prestige he now had. Riches from across the Kingdom Senta and the Southern Continent were displayed along with treasures from across the sea. All were keep in impeccable condition like everything else in his estate. His was a world of cleanliness, and of flawless order. This was his sanctuary from what he saw beyond the gleaming gypsum covered outer walls that surrounded his grounds. Filth. Disgusting, repulsive filth. Here everything clean and pristine. He made sure staff did this. Those that failed were, dealt with. His sanctum would be free of dirt and vermin....

    Out of the corner of his eye he spied a movement on the floor. Something small skittered from under the door that led to the hallway outside his room. From light of the oil lamps on either side of his bed it was clearly visible on the light teal tile floor. It was in Wabo's mind the most disgusting thing in the world. A cockroach. It was not the normal dark brown color, instead being a glistening jet black, but still it was the living embodiment in his mind of everything that was wrong in this world. 

    Boldly this vile creature scurried out into the middle of his bedroom floor. Then to the stallion's horror it was joined another identical black monstrosity, then 4 more, then 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256. The zebra's heart started pounding and he began shaking. Terror struck him so even his voice seemed to fail him. The unending torrent of horror kept scurrying in. The sound of thousands of tiny vile legs hissed and sighed. As he watched the roaches started climbing and piling on top of each other. Every second their mound grew larger and larger. When the heap of vile being had reached a height of about 3ft they stopped. 

     For second the mound just stood there. Even from his place in the bed the zebra could see millions of their wretched antennae twitch and quiver. Then the mound started falling apart. As it did it revealed a muzzle, then the hard, caramel brown eyes and face of an older filly/young mare. She glared at him with a smoldering rage. A mane of deep rose red and bright red bow. At the sight of the bow Wabo let loose a strangled cry of alarm. Suddenly he knew who stood in his room. Before him was the attack beast that the Moon Princess had brought with her on her visit to the Kingdom of Senta. 

    As more of the roaches tumbled away they revealed an outfit that covered the front half of the pony. It shimmered like freshly spilled black ink. Her legs were sheathed in high boots of similar material. The roaches now scurried across the floor and up the wall to form the filly's shadow. She stared at him silently for a second before spitting out a single roach onto his bed. The abomination started scurrying up the blankets toward Wabo, but he frantically flipped the bedding sending it flying off. The filly chuckled and finally spoke. 

    "Well. I finally tracked yer pathetic hide down. Wabo Kinto. Ya have dun a good job of hiding yer worthless tracks, but now I'm here fer ya!"

     Frantically the stallion dove for bell on one of his nightstands only to find it and the nightstand now swarming hundreds of little black nightmares. Even with his life in danger he couldn't bring himself to grab the bell. The filly laughed. 

     "Well! Them nightmares I saw in yer dream fabrics were right on the money! Yer terrified of these critter aren't ya. Maybe it becuz ya treat others like them. Like vermin. All ya see in others is things ya can use! Ya treat others like trash, and that's how I'm gonna treat ya now!"

    "What do you want from me!" The zebra blurted out. "Is it gold?! Jewels?! Name your price!" He paused to flick off another half dozen roaches that had scurried on to his bed. "What's in it for you?"

    The filly slowly started pacing back and forth at the foot of his bed. As she did the mass of cockroaches moved as her shadow on the wall and floor The sound of thousands and thousands of legs hissing filled the bedroom. She scowled at the stallion. "What do I want? What I want is ta end yer business once and fer all! I know all about yer business of foalnapping. Found out about it in Baltimare when yer little rotten network tried ta take My Colt! Link  "I put Silver Hooves and his crew in the slammer."

    The earth pony kept pacing back and forth. "He spilled the beans and that led ta Fancy Flight and her retched operation right here in the capitol! Link Ta save her hide she turned and put me, her Highness Princess Luna, and sultan's court onto yer trail! Now! Befer ya think about hollerin fer yer guards; don't waste yer breath!" A wicked grin spread across the filly's face. "We." She looked over at the roaches on the wall. "Took care of them befer we entered yer room. So the cavalry ain't coming fer ya!" 

    The filly stopped and glared at the stallion. My name is Applebloom, and by the authority of Royal Court of Equestria, and the Splendid Court of Sultan Har-Rak I'm taking ya inta custody. Now!"

    The filly closed her eyes. When they snapped back open more roaches started pouring from her eye sockets. She opened her mouth and a further torrent of the black monsters tumbled from her. Wabo Kinto screamed in horror as a wave of the insects rushed up the bed and engulfed the zebra.  




MishaFox (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 10:08:29 WOW. @!#$%^& That gives me the serious creeps! That little filly is truly terrifying.
2022-12-19 08:12:15 WOW. @!#$%^& That gives me the serious creeps! That little filly is truly terrifying.

WOW. @!#$%^& That gives me the serious creeps! That little filly is truly terrifying.